𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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》︎n. the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

❝Yes, I was in fact named
after the Salem Witch Trials.
And would you look at that!
I have powers and you're an
actual witch. I say that's a
match made in heaven.❞

❝Did your parents
hate you?❞



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SALEM ALEXANDER was the youngest in the circus that was The Avengers. She was only eighteen. Salem was taken away from her family at the mere age of five. This was due to the fact that Salem's parents were terrified of her. Salem had two powers, and those powers were the main reason why she was in the band of Avengers. She could teleport and she could see glimpses of the future. Her parents got freaked out when she accudentally teleported and gave her away, putting her right into the hands of HYDRA.

When she became fourteen, she was found by none other than Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton. In a way, Salem was like their child. They both kept a close eye on her and acted like they were her parents. Salem was an easy going person who was very sarcastic, she was almost worse than Tony Stark himself. This of course meant Salem had an amazing relationship with everyone. There was an unspoken rule that ran between the Avengers, and that was to protect Salem Alexander at all cost.

Well, that changes when the group of Avengers are destroying a HYDRA base located near Sokovia. They come across two enhanced, a boy and a girl. One was fast, the other was weird. And of course, Salem would fall for the weird one. The one that was against the Avengers. Until she wasn't.

Wanda Maximoff had somehow managed to crawl into Salem's heart, and the two had never had one conversation. But Salem couldn't help herself. There was something about Wanda Maximoff that Salem couldn't put her finger on. Salem was drawn to the Scarlet Witch. But what Salem didn't know was that the Scarlet Witch was drawn to her as well.

Such a tragic love story for such damaged people. Maybe that's why they were so perfect for each other. They were both damaged, they could fix each other. Well, that's what they hoped, anyways.


This story contains language as well as death, violence, mentions of abuse, as well as some other topics that may or may not make you uncomfortable! Please read at your own risk!

I own nothing but Salem Alexander and her plot, everything else belongs to Marvel, Stan Lee (r.i.p. to a legend), Kevin Feige and the directors/film makers!


Honestly, someone needs to just take my Wattpad away. Or give me something to do. I have way too much time on my hands and this is the result. Along with my seven other stories I'm writing :)

Anyways, I love Wanda so much and she deserves all the love in the world, so here we are. I hope you all enjoy this story! Please don't be a silent reader! Comments and votes make me much more motivated to write and update!

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