Bug-Hunting - Agere! Remus and Logan

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Requested on Tumblr: "hc: remus and logan bug hunt when one of them is little!"

Warnings: Bugs and mentions of eating bugs


• Remus regresses to an old enough age that their caregiver(s) let him go outside with Logan without them (but they watch from the window)

• Remus has tried to eat the bugs on multiple occasions, but then Logan starts crying and he stops

• Logan loves giving little facts about the bugs

• If he's old enough, Logan will look up facts about the bugs they catch with Remus

• If he's not old enough (or just doesn't want to), he'll make up facts and Remus will listen to him talk about the bugs

• Logan has helped Remus sneak bugs into the house before (but their caregiver(s) caught them pretty quick)

• It's one of their favorite activities to do together, but sometimes Logan regresses too small to go bug-hunting

• When Lo's too small, Remus goes bug-hunting opn his own and takes pictures of the bugs to show Logan (which Logan loves)

• It's rare that their caregiver(s) join in, but when they do, Remus and Logan have the best time

Word Count: ~170

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