Chapter 15. Peculiar Technology

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Generally speaking, this is something that tends to change over time. Depending on who you are or how quickly you adapt to things, it can be easy to understand this whole tech business. On the other hand, there are times where one can look at a new piece of technology and have to wonder what exactly lead to this result. Or the more common question of why. In some cases, we can have an explanation for these situations, and other times we just need to accept one fact and move on.

What fact is that you may be wondering? The fact that there was a series of events that lead up to this thing existing at some point in time, and now the best course of action is trusting the person that built it.

Inventions by themselves often serve a purpose, and how they serve that purpose can be... interesting to say the least. If it gets the job done there is no reason to call it a failure, although there are times where 'success' isn't quite the right word either. In those situations specifically, there is really only one thing you can say about it. Specifically.

It worked. Emphasis on the past tense.


> [Y/N]'s POV

Everything was still overwhelming... well, honestly I think that confusing would probably be a better fit there. It wasn't as though I wanted to suppress the memories of the experience, I was trying. I really was. But the more I tried to think about it the more my head physically ached. The more I thought about anything the more my head started to hurt. It would have been so much easier if I didn't share a collective mind with maybe over a hundred different entities.

To describe the feeling in one word, it was taboo. I felt like I couldn't really think any of my thoughts, considering last time I did, everyone else knew about them. My head wasn't my own, and even without that literal pain in the neck, it still felt like that.

On the plus side, at least I was out of it now and have someone to talk to. I hoped whatever this headset thing was would help Petra get out of there, the sooner the better.

Looking at the headset, the best way I'd describe it is just a fancy pair of sunglasses on top of a helmet. Didn't look like too much to me, but then again redstone and techy business wasn't exactly my forte. I'd like to think my deal was durability. Not by choice of course, but overtime I'd like to consider I've developed a high pain tolerance. Well, physical pain that is.

" Huh. That... doesn't look like much. " I blurted out. In my defense, thinking about what to say wasn't much of an option. " Harper is the person that also made PAMA right? You sure this thing is going to work? As in- not evil-y? Because trust me, you do not want to experience being part of a shared mind. "

Jesse shrugged a little. " Well this is the best bet we got to saving Harper. Once we save Harper, we can figure out how to save everyone. " They spoke with a determined expression.

I opened my mouth a moment to ask why they didn't talk about that earlier but shut it quickly considering I may not be able to think about much, but I knew when I was about to rub salt in a wound.

They turned around to pick up the headset, before putting it on their head. Ooh, now I understood why it was called a headset. As soon as Jesse put on the helmet, the lights beneath the glass they were on turned on, emmiting a light blue glow. Small particales almost seemed to rise from the light, sort of in the same way that enchantment tables are said to glow. A sort of high pitched noise gradually got louder before fading out, almost as if this machine thing was booting up. Whatever that meant. Jesse's expression almost seemed to be in awe, as they started to look around with the headset.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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