Chapter 1. The Way Things Are

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Sky City.

A city founded by 'The Founder', floating up in the sky over an endless void. The large island was one of many that seemed to defy gravity itself, suspending itself in mid-air among the white fluffy clouds of the sky. The island itself was a rather spacious, and almost futuristic in its way due to the lack of organic materials being used. Although the city was more than big enough for its residents, after living on the island all of one's life it can grow to be more cramped then spacious. Not only because space would always be limited, but also because of the rules.

It was a blessing that the Founder was able to create Sky City, but the cost was that many rules had to be implemented. No one could waste resources, and therefore if you wanted to create or build anything you needed a permit. If you needed to use the furnace or crafting table for anything, even something as small as making a button or making cobblestone into stone, you must schedule to use it beforehand. There was only one garden that the city uses for food, and if you so much as drop the tiniest bit of dirt over the edge, you were violating a rule. And if you violated any of these rules in Sky City, you would be arrested, and then sent to jail. Whether or not it was an accident, breaking these rules was forbidden.

Even though life in the clouds was peaceful in its way, saying that you were really 'living' would be an overstatement. If anything, staying there was more constricting then it was relieving. But it was either living without freedom, or dying with it. It sounded harsh, but that was the reality when living in Sky City. You either lived under the strict Founder, or you fell into the void.

And you were no exception.


> Y/N's POV

As usual, I woke up to the sun shining directly in my eyes, giving me a small moment of blindness before I sat up to start the day. Every day felt the same, from the moment I woke up to the moment I fell asleep. Tedious, restricting, hardly anything is more than what it seemed. Between the time the sun rose to the time it set, I could practically give a good idea of what the day would be like, down to the t. It was like everything on this island was just set on repeat, with only the slightest changes and nothing more.

Standing up from my bed, I ran a hand through my [h/c] locks, and let out a slight yawn while looking out at the seemingly endless sky. The lovely blue hue combined with the off white clouds was beautiful from this height, but everything beautiful tends to get boring over time. It wasn't that I hated Sky City. Truth be told compared to the endless void, it looked pretty good. But everything just felt a little... plain. Even my room hardly had any uniqueness to it. One bed pushed in the corner, one decently sized window with a small pot, a medium-sized wardrobe, and one small table next to the door. By this point, having a chest would be useless considering I can't even make anything. Not that anyone would show me how it wasn't exactly appreciated when people used materials to make things.

" Maybe I should get a flower.. or just a dead bush. Might spruce up the place a little. " I told myself, speaking to no one in particular. Then again to get one, I would need to go to the Founder and request if I could even have a potted plant, then probably wait a few days considering everyone on the island needed to schedule appointments with her and get requests for materials. I let out a sigh, somewhat coming to the acceptance that my potted plant request probably wouldn't be granted even if I asked. C'est la vie.

Figuring it was probably best to get a move on rather than sulking about a flower in a tiny box, I changed into the one other outfit I had aside from the plain pajamas previously worn. Incidentally, I was probably a little luckier than most considering I had the tiniest bit of freedom. That freedom was the garden. And a gardening outfit consisting of a [f/c] shirt, a muddy green apron, and a pair of pants. But managing the garden had its number of rules and regulations. After putting some effort into making sure I don't look like a dead bush myself, I headed out to manage the garden.

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