Chapter 3. Same Place, Different Reasons

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Town Meetings.

In Sky City they weren't exactly uncommon, but when they did occur it was hardly ever a choice. Much like most things on this island in the sky. But aside from the salt, the town meetings were only called to order by the Founder, and usually, if there was a meeting, something bad happened. Within reason, there was an understanding as to why the meeting was called today. Several outsiders just showed up out of nowhere, and no one knew if they were 'good' or 'bad'. But if one thing was for certain, they had broken one of the most sacred rules of the city. No unauthorized building.

A silly rule to most, however to the residents and the founder of the island, it was because of how limited resources were. No one could afford to waste a single block on anything unless it was approved beforehand. An island with limited resources had a limited 'life' in the sense there was no real freedom. If you were told to not build something, you had to obey. If you were told to ignore something, you would look away. If you were told to go to a town meeting even though you had other things to worry about, you still had to go. It was just how things are.

Why of all days, when a town meeting could have been held when absolutely nothing was going on, why did it have to be today? The day where a number of crimes were committed? The day when [Y/N] finally had the guts to brighten up their place with a flower?

Because there is no such thing as a perfect crime.


> Lukas' POV

To say that a lot had happened within the span of a few hours was an understatement.

About a few hours ago I headed to Beacontown to see how things were going with the new 'Order of the Stone'. Check-in, see how things were going, maybe go on a new adventure. However part of me should have known that when I ran into Aiden, something was up. He seemed... different. Aiden wasn't the best guy, even when we were in the Ocelots together, but something about them just changed. They seemed meaner, even towards Gill and Maya. Demanding to know what the 'treasure', which might I add started all of this, was and what it could do.

Turned out that 'treasure' was flint and steel that could make a portal. But not a portal like a Nether portal, this was something completely different. Unfortunately, before we could figure out where it went, the 'Blaze Rods' found us and went in the portal first. Nothing like a little adventure right? Well, it wasn't quite the best situation we could have gotten into. Aiden wasn't the same as he used to be, if he got to the Eversource before they could, it would be pretty bad. Not to mention how being stranded in the sky on an island of dirt wasn't what I was expecting when we went through the portal, but there was no time for internal dialogue to figure it out.

After a short period of making a dirt bridge, we were able to get across onto the island. It was much bigger now that I was on it, almost impressive how big it was. Though the residents seemed on the side of jumpy to say the least. Paranoid even. Well, except for that person we ran into. A resident of the island I bumped into, they seemed a little on edge but overall they were pretty nice. The island was amazing and yet, [Y/N] seemed like they didn't like it much. Sounded reasonable enough, if I was bound to one place for a long time I'd probably feel the same. Maybe when we find a way off the island, we could take them with us. But maybe I was just thinking ahead of myself.

The guards here meant business, it probably wasn't the best to get on their bad side. I made sure to let Jesse know that when they talked to me before heading to the inn. Turns out the inn was run by a guy named Milo, seemed on edge as everyone else but they definitely clarified that the Blaze Rods were here.

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