chapter thirty-four

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 "It's only a matter of time. Miraz's men and war machines are on their way—that means that those same men aren't protecting his castle." Peter spoke to the Narnians as they all held a meeting on what to do next. "We need to strike them before they strike us."

Caspian the spoke up. "That's crazy—no one has ever taken that castle." Rowyn watched as Peter tightened his hold on the lion resting on the butt of his sword.

"There's always a first time." He told him as he kept his posture straight and confident.

Rowyn stood from her place beside Lucy on the Stone Table in order to stand beside Peter. "We would have the element of surprise by striking them first." Peter sent her a grateful smile as they shared a quick glance.

"We would have an advantage here." Caspian argued.

"If we dig in, we could hold them off indefinitely." Susan stood up and gave her two cents. A few more Narnians gave their own opinions.

"Look," Peter began, taking a step towards Caspian. "I appreciate everything that you've done for us, but this isn't a fortress . . . it's a tomb."

"And if they're smart the Telmarines will just wait and starve us out." Edmund joined in.

"We could collect nuts!" A mouse beside Reepicheep spoke with an excited tone.

"Yes!" Reep began. "And we could throw them at the Telmarines! Shut up . . . I think you know where I stand, Sire."

Rowyn squeezed the amethyst jewel at the end of her sword and turned towards the centaurs. "If we can get our men in . . . can you handle the guards and get us an opening into the castle?"

"This is insane-" Caspian began.

"We should listen to the Savior of Calormene." Reepicheep snapped. "If the stories are true than her ideas to save Calormene were crazy themselves, but they worked."

Rowyn smiled gratefully at the mouse. "That is correct, Reepicheep." The mouse bowed his head and smiled. Rowyn bowed her head in return and then brought her gaze back to the centaurs.

"We can, your Majesty, or we will die trying." He responded with the nod of his head.

"That's what I'm worried about." Lucy spoke up from her place on the Stone Table. "You're all acting like there's only two options . . . dying here or dying there."

"I'm afraid you haven't really been listening, Lu-"

"No you're not listening!" Lucy told her brother. "Or have you forgotten how really defeated the White Witch, Peter." Rowyn could practically feel the anger radiating off of Peter in thick waves. The way his jaw clenched and his adam's apple bobbed only proved her point.

The eyes that now burned into Rowyn skin made her finally speak up. "We have to act now, Lucy. The more we wait, the more lives will be lost."


As Edmund's light flashed into the sky, Rowyn signaled her gryffin to fly faster along side Peter, Susan and Caspian. When Rowyn's feet slapped the ground of the castle wall, she quickly drew her sword—the blade shining underneath the pale moonlight—and slashed it along the chest of the guard the rested there.

Rowyn bit back a smile when the familiar battle adrenaline flooded her veins. "Man, I missed this." She huffed out and flipped her sword around in her hand. Susan quickly threw a rope off the side of the wall, giving them perfect access to a small window below.

"Be careful, Wyn-"

"Pfft." She replied at Peter as she effortlessly climbed down and landed beside Susan while Caspian entered the window.

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