Recovering memory.

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Shin-ae was trying to keep her mind off of Yeong-gi, she thought it would be wise to try to get some rest, it had been a long day and she was excited for it to end, she closed her eyes and let herself fall asleep.
A few minutes later she started having this lucid dream, the kind where she was aware she was dreaming but wasn't able to wake herself up. The dream was of her being in a room she didn't recognize, she felt a hand hold her chin, she was probably high, there was this odd presence she felt, very close to her face, and then the silhouette became clearer, it was Sang-Chul!, and he was trying things that disturbed her, she started panicking as he came closer, it was as if he had tied her arms and feet down and forced her to watch, she wanted to set herself free but couldn't, her horror grew bigger and all she could do was watch.
She regained her consciousness after realizing it wasn't a dream, but a flashback! What she saw in her head had happened, that dreadful night, Sang-Chul did that to her!, when she opened her eyes she gasped for air, she hurriedly brought her knees to her chest, her every limb was shaking, she started sobbing while struggling to breath, she wanted to call for her dad but terror stole her voice, she was agonising on the inside, she felt the room sink, felt her bed swallow her, felt shadows around her, heard lugubrious whispers that were never there.
It took her a while to reach her phone, not because it was far, but because she was trembling, she dialed Yeong-gi's number and put her phone on speaker. He quickly answered the phone call.
"Hey Shin-ae, how you doin'? " he asked, but she was too mortified to answer, there was a short silence and then, "Um Shin-ae are you there? " he added, but she couldn't bring herself to speak, and then, another moment of silence. "Shin-ae are you pranking me? Or did you call me by accident and you're asleep", nothing, "Well if it was an accident I'm gonna hang up". But at that moment she exhaled loudly, she had held her breath that entire time so that he wouldn't hear her cry, and he heard her breath. "So you're here! Listen if it wasn't on purpose just tell me, don't feel bad, mistakes happen haha", still nothing but a long silence. "Okay you're starting to scare me, why aren't you answering, are you okay? ". His voice was so soothing, hearing someone was there, not a foe, but a friend, comforted her a little, she was still scared, petrified, but feeling Yeong-gi's presence through the phone made her slightly relax, she gathered up enough courage to speak.
"Yeah I'm here" she uttered, "I'm sorry I didn't answer earlier I was just busy". She tried to sound confident, she didn't want him to know she was crying, she was too embarrassed to, he didn't see her tears, so hopefully he couldn't hear them either.
"Are you sure you're okay though? " he asked, he sounded genuinely worried, she promised him she wouldn't lie, she couldn't break that promise the same day, she had to take everyone's advice and trust someone for once. "He's your friend you can tell him" she kept telling herself.
"You.... you know how the doctor told me my memory would slowly come back? ". She asked.
"Yeah? " he said.
"Well I just had a flashback of Sang-Chul forcing me to kiss him" she admitted, but she still wasn't fully open, she masked her wavering voice with a stable one. But he didn't say anything, he was quiet for a long moment, she just heard a thud, did he really have nothing to say to that?
"Yeah I know" he sighed, he sounded a bit frustrated.
"You know? " she inquired, surprised.
"I found out today, someone recorded everything, my attorney showed it in court to expose Sang-Chul" he announced. Him saying that, only confirmed that it wasn't just a nightmare, but it was worse, someone recorded everything? And an entire audience saw it? The tears came rushing back, her throat was burning, faking calmness was the hardest thing she ever had to do, but at some point, she couldn't hold it in, she let a sob escape her mouth, she hoped, begged for it to have been too low for him to hear.
"Shin-ae I'm so sorry, is there anything I can do to help? " he asked, really concerned, but she couldn't talk, she had plunged back in the pool of dread, it was suffocating, she could barley breathe. "Hang in there". And those were the last words he said before hanging up. "How can you hang up on me now?? " she thought, hearing his voice was the only thing that kept her alive, and now she was alone as ever, as soon as the phone call ended, the shadows came back and wrapped themselves around her,Why would you do this to me?, I need you, I need someone, please I'm scared". She had faced pain before but this time was different, this time it felt like she was about to die, she had never felt this weak in her entire life, and knowing that Sang-Chul was able to repeat himself and make her go through all of that terror again mortified her, and she felt like he could jump out of her closet at any moment.
After extremely frightening minutes, her phone started ringing, she immediately picked up without checking who it was.
"Shin-ae come down I'm in front of your house" said a voice, she recognized who it was, Yeong-gi.
"Wha... Whaat? " she blurted out, she was so confused what did he mean in front of her house?, she hurried to the kitchen whose window gave to the yard, and there he was. "What the hell is wrong with him? ". He came!!, that's why he hung up, he was driving to her house, hearing his voice was a relief but seeing him.... that was as if nothing had happened.
"You poop head you didn't have to come" she spat, from her window, this scene kinda reminded her of something, her peeking through her window, and a guy outside waiting for her, "Oh my God since when did my life become a Shakespearean story??".
"I was worried" he said, "And I wanted to see if you were okay for myself, because I know you'd lie". Her heart started pounding at his words, she knew he only cared as a friend, but it didn't keep her from blushing. "Um, can you come down, I don't want your father to get the wrong idea if I come up". "Shit shit shit, calm down Shin-ae, just walk down the stairs and don't make a fool of yourself pleaaaase, it's okay I can do this, I can control my feelings".
She made it to the yard, every step she took, drove her closer to him, and made her lose a little more of her sanity, and there they were standing in front of each other. He just stared at her, trying to read her, so she put on a smile, despite feeling every emotion but joy.
"Shin-ae I know it's hard for you to be honest with your feelings, but please answer my question honestly, are you really okay? " he asked. Hearing that question brought back all the tears again, she didn't have the energy to fight them back, she realized it was embarrassing to cry in front of someone else, but it was beyond her power, although she still didn't want him to see her in that state, she did a 180 turn so he now faced her back. "It's okay, let it all out" he said, she got a feeling of dejà vu, back at the hospital roof, when she was the one facing his back, he had already seen her cry, or rather heard her, one needed to be very close to her to experience that, she had just realized how comfortable she had gotten around him.
She wished she wore warmer clothes, she was in her pajamas, and it was cold outsi... Oh!,he put his jacket over her shoulders, "So you can read my mind now huh? ". "Thank you" she said, it was the second time in one day that he'd offered her his jacket, and last time she was going crazy, but whatever feeling she felt that morning has now grown thrice as big, it was the red jacket, the one that made him look so fluffy, and ohhh God the smeeeeeeell. She wanted to wear it properly, so she put her hands through the holes of the sleeves, there was at least 50cm of fabric left, her arms were swimming in those sleeves, she knew Yeong-gi was probably laughing behind her so she turned to frown at him, but when she tilted her head, she realized that she was way closer to him than she thought, the jacket she was wearing was touching his chest, but she didn't feel the contact because of how thick it is, their faces were so close she could feel his breath on her face. They both froze at the awkward moment, then he hastily turned his head in the opposite direction, and so did she, her cheeks were flushed, her heart was pounding, did they just have a moment? "Naaaah" she thought, Yeong-gi only saw her as a friend, but she didn't mind at that time, him being there behind her made her feel safe, like nothing in the world could harm her, not Sang-Chul, not the witch, nothing, no one, she didn't want that moment to end, it was the closest thing to romance she ever experienced, a moment of quiet on the outside, a symphony of emotions on the inside, but it still didn't mean anything, she had just been through a troubling moment, that's why she softened her grip.
She figured it was wrong to let him wait outside for this long, he already came all the way just to make sure she's okay, she had to set him free. She started removing his jacket, and turned to face him.
"Thank you for coming it really helped" she declared.
"You sure you're alright? " he asked for the billionth time.
"Yes" she chuckled, she felt the undying urge to hug him, she knew she'd regret it after, but it didn't matter at the moment, she needed it. She waited for him to finish wearing his jacket, took a deep breath, and then brought her hands around his neck and buried her head on his shoulder, she had to stand to her tip toes because he's a giant carrot. It felt so wroooong, it felt right a little because it was so nice but wrooong, she didn't calculate her move in her head before throwing herself at him, this was more than a friendly hug, "Oh shit, I should've put an arm under his arm pit and one around his neck not boooth" she wanted to slap herself for that, so embarrassing, too embarrassing to move, she just froze, and he didn't even return the hug, he didn't move his arms, she made him uncomfortable didn't she?, it was the second time she did. "Ayayay" how could she come back from this? She pulled herself back by pushing him fast, she couldn't look at him. She just walked back in her house.
"Oh uhh.. yeaah no worries,... good night! " he called. "Yeah I definitely made him uncomfortable, I'm a mess!".
"Night! " she said, before closing the door behind her, she leaned on it, and slowly slid down so her knees crouched to her cheeks. She needed to breath, to cool down, if she walked back inside her apartment and faced her dad, she wouldn't know how to .act. It had been a rollercoaster of emotions, it started with surprise to see him, then sadness/horror because of the flashback, then laughter because of how ridiculous she looked wearing his jacket, then tizzies because of the proximity of their faces, and then embarrassment because she's and idiot, but now that she was on the ground, snickering like a mad woman, the dominant emotion she felt was, happiness.
                   To be continued.

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