They picked up their backpacks and descended the steps as the last people to leave the bus.

As they neared the front doors of the school, Felix captured Hyunjin in a hug.

"Love you, Jinnie. See you later!" He said and pranced into the school, leaving Hyunjin with a sad smile on his face. Hyunjin let out a heavy sigh and proceeded into the school.

The walk to World Lit seemed extra long today and it didn't help that he had to witness Minho's and Jisung's morning routine along with about five other couples in corners. He barely spared them a glance before walking into the classroom.

A few people greeted him as he passed, mostly girls, and he sent them a quick smile in return.

Once he reached his desk, he placed his backpack on top and surveyed the room. His eyes wandered, starting at the left and stopping suddenly in the center.

Changbin looked back at him in curiosity. Hyunjin stared for a second before jerking his head up in a casual greeting, not expecting anything in return. However, he was pleasantly surprised when Changbin returned the gesture before going back to the notebook on his desk.

Grinning to himself, Hyunjin rummaged through his backpack and got out the things he needed for class. He placed his backpack beside his chair and sat down to arrange everything.

His pencil in the little groove where it belonged. His eraser beside it on the right. His notebook and textbooks stacked in the upper left hand corner like a misshapen pyramid. All nice and neat.

Jisung stomped into the room.

"Gosh! He's such a dick!"

On the last word he threw something on his desk. The object wasn't very hard though, so the effect was a rather anticlimactic thump.

Unsatisfied with the amount of drama he had created, Jisung dropped his backpack on the floor and flopped on his chair. The force of his body made the chair slide, and Jisung had to grab the edge of his desk with both hands to avoid falling over, a panicked expression accompanying the action.

When he was stable, he rested his elbows on the desk and cupped his cheeks, examining the object.

"What's wrong with it?" He flipped the object onto Hyunjin's desk, "Jin, what's wrong with it?"

"Huh?" Hyunjin wasn't quite sure what he meant and Jisung's whiny voice didn't make him much inclined to find out.

"Minho called it ugly!" Hyunjin looked at the object in front of him. It was a beanie with a blue, white, and black floral print that should have been on a classic Hawaiian shirt.

It was ugly. Especially considering Jisung's orange hair.


"Oh? He said he wouldn't kiss me while I was wearing it and all you can say is oh?"


Jisung snatched the hat back.

"Okay, I get it. It's ugly!" Jisung turned and stuffed the beanie into his backpack, mumbling insults that Hyunjin hoped were directed at Minho and not him.

"I just wanted morning kisses!" Jisung stretched his arms up in frustration before folding over his desk, his hands hanging over the far edge and his face turned towards Hyunjin.

"I think you'll be okay for one day." Jisung narrowed his eyes at his seatmate and turned his head the other way.

"Thanks for the sympathy." Hyunjin snickered at the sarcasm. 

Jisung was right, Hyunjin was single and not quite ready to mingle, so he didn't care too much about Jisung's situation.

"By the way, why'd you run off last night? We could've used you." Jisung was back to facing Hyunjin, head about two inches off the table so he could look him in the eye. Hyunjin's expression turned sour.

"It was nothing."

"You fell down the stairs for nothing?"

"I didn't fall down the stairs!"

"It sure sounded like it."


Jisung continued to talk, but Hyunjin shut him out. He caught a few words like 'Chan,' 'track,' and 'lyrics,' which was enough to know the right noises to make in response, but otherwise he didn't pay attention.

Then the teacher came into the room.

To say Hyunjin was relieved was an understatement. Until she started talking about the reading he didn't do. Then he was just lost.

Thinking he wouldn't understand no matter how much he concentrated, Hyunjin found himself day dreaming.

Everything from the past week came together in a mix of invading, cuddling, violence, abandoning, and ignoring. In that order it almost sounded like a twisted love story.

Why did Jisung have to mention last night?

Before Hyunjin could murder Jisung in his thoughts, the bell rang.

Grateful to get out of the downward spiral, Hyunjin packed up his things and left the room.

He could hear Jisung protesting, but he didn't look back.

I get second hand embarrassment from Han Jisung at least once a day, but it's fine 'cause he's just so adorably awkward and I love him

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I get second hand embarrassment from Han Jisung at least once a day, but it's fine 'cause he's just so adorably awkward and I love him.

Dark to Baby: A Changjin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now