2015!!! A New Start

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Asalamualaikum wattrokers!


I mean like whaaaaa'?

Its gone soooooo fast and mashallah 2014 was jam PACKED with from nothing to literally EVERYTHING!!

Its time to knuckle down, a new year, with many hopes dreams, du'aas, prayers and more, resting within our very own hands.

It may not be the islamic new year but for many schools, clubs, groups and madrassahs its the year of 2015?!

2014 had its ups and downs but the biggest life changing events happened in it for me!!!

(That includes me meeting wattpad :3)
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JAZAKILLAH for all  my epic wattrokers (special ones to EndlessBoundaries  Dragon_Queen_ Quran_inmyhand ) :)

And to Zammurad for the epic cover for Finding Jude.

Anyways bed time!

Luv yaa


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