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Hate, I don't know about you guys but growing up I was always told hate was a strong word and told to use a substitution for the word.

So now tell me why can't we stop hate in this world. If just the word is so strong, imagine what acting upon the word hate does.

Just stepping out of the house into the public many people get scared, because of who they are, what they believe and what they do. They feel as if they are outcasts and they don't belong in this world, just because of the hatred people have spread around the world, of different people, groups, communities, and etc. Society has made it so that people think the worst of others, and no I am not saying everyone does this, but many people do this. People who are different themselves, they have so much hatred to other people that are different. To be honest with all of you guys, everyone is different every single person you pass on the streets, in restaurants, in malls every person you say thank you too, or say excuse me too, or say a rude comment to, all of them they are all different. YOU are different. I might not know, your family and friends may not know, and the person on the street you pass or talk to won't know. Only you do, so why are we so hateful to other people, when we ourselves know there is something different about us.

Hate spreads like a plague. One person says one thing, it doesn't matter if it's true or if its false everyone seems to believe it. Then it travels from person to person, that's how hate spreads and trust me it really breaks people to know that that's what people think of them, that people really dislike them. These people will take it and sometimes they could careless about what people think but a lot of the time it hurts them to the point where they are scared to do what they like, and so they start acting like every other person, hiding there true identity. 

I know Hate wont stop over night but how about if one by one we start being nicer to everyone and at least the world will start becoming a much more peaceful place, without war and discrimination. What if everyone could be peaceful and happy. 

HATE it has caused a lot of problems in this world, but it has not solved one yet. 

- Maya Angelou 

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