Chapter 1: Graduation

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That's the fifth time in a row that I've had that dream. What does it even mean? Wait...What time is it... 1 PM?! I'm going to be late! I gotta go, grandpa's gonna kill me!

Hi, my name is Kakoz. I'm currently fifteen and an only child. I've lived with my grandpa as long as I can remember. My mom died when I was born and my dad before that, but my grandpa always tells me stories about them. I'm currently rushing to my graduation from Koshi's Hero school.

Koshi is a well-known master of combat who has trained thousands of students and so happens to be my grandpa. Weirdly, with combat running in my family, never has it been a passion of mine. I do it because it makes my grandpa happy. He's done so much for me; I can at least do this. Enough of the introductions, I'm LATE, I gotta get a move on before it ends (I barely graduated as is). I can't afford to also miss my name being called. I'm ALMOST THERE!

The door bursts open. "Kakoz!" (I made it just in time). "KAKOZ YOU WERE LATE!" says grandpa Koshi, scolding Kakoz.

"I'm sorry, Grandpa. I just had that dream again and I was stuck daydreaming about it. I hate that out of all the days, it happened today. I wish I could make it up to you," Kakoz says very melancholily.

Koshi puts his hand on Kakoz's shoulder and says, "You did fine, boy, you've made it this far. I couldn't be more proud of my grandchild. Nothing will make me happier than doing what I've been waiting to do all day with you."

"What's that, grandpa?"

"It's time for the chosen Spirit ceremony," Koshi responds with glee.

"So I get to see what my weapon will look like? Finally! I've been waiting so long to see what my spirit has created."

"Yes, come follow me to the ceremony room. It's time to see what your spirit has chosen."

Kakoz follows Koshi to the back, excited for the first time in a while for anything fighting-related.

"The ceremony begins with a cut from the palm," Grandpa says as he summons his weapon from the aether and slices Kakoz's hand. "Now, put out your hand, close your eyes, and feel the aether around you feel it come to you as if a load of energy is rushing into your hand. Yes, now compress it and, just like that, it will be summoned out of the air. Now, keep going. You're so close! Yes!"

"Congratulations, Kakoz, you've done it,"

Kakoz responds. "So this is my weapon. Kinda big, wouldn't you say? What is this style of weapon called?" he asks his grandpa.

"Something this big is considered something near a buster sword or a dragon slayer. This sword is known for its great size, impressive sharpness, and heavyweight. What would you like to name it?

Name it? Kakoz asks confused about why he should name a weapon.

It's always good to name your weapon Koshi responds it gives a more personal connection, though it won't be your only variation of this weapon. I suggest naming them all."

Kakoz goes deep into thought and says, as Koshi falls out, "Honestly, I don't know. I'll figure something out so don't worry about it, Grandpa."

Koshi, picking himself off the ground, responds, "Alright, just make sure you let me know what you name it when you do."

"Alright, grandpa," Kakoz responds, then poses a question. "Hey, grandpa for a while I kept hearing the other classmates mention another school in the north and a student who's known everywhere. You've never told me about any more schools or any special students and we leave tomorrow. What's all of that about?"

"You're right. There are a few things I need to explain to you before your journey tomorrow. Sit and let us discuss," Koshi says. "First, let's start with the schools; they're 4 regional brackets of schools: the north, east, west, and us our school falls into the south. With the four regions, 4 schools also fall underneath these," Kakoz interjects. "So they're 4 regions, with 4 schools in each region and we are one of four in the south?" Koshi responds. "Yes, precisely the objective of these schools is to pick 5 candidates each to make up a squad of 20 to compete in a tournament for entry into WhyKnot Academy. I know what WhyKnot is, but can you explain why it's so important to make it into WhyKnot?" Kakoz asks.

"WhyKnot is an academy in the center of this nation and is the most technologically advanced academy in the world, students from different countries even come to attempt to be accepted into the school but rarely get accepted."

"So who were the five you selected from this school?" Kakoz asks curiously.

"Well, I picked just like most schools, I chose from my student's CBR," Koshi responds.

"So our Combat rating got us in? But I had one of the lowest scores in the school. Who else did you pick and how did I make it in?"

"In your class, I selected the number one student at our school, Akai Bara, next I selected your childhood friends Luana and Ekon as they both scored extremely high in their fields. After them it's Tenko, then you," Kakoz responds.

"So again why did you pick me? You had a lot of other students who are clearly better than me with a class like this you could have had all 5 students make it in."

"I checked over all my students and honestly, I don't see anyone who has as much or even more potential than you. If you got more fighting motivation nothing could stop you."

"You always say that Grandpa," Kakoz says, disappointed. "I don't see it, but today's the graduation so I guess it would be best not to argue. Can you tell me more about this student in the north and his school? Everyone else seems to know and I have no idea what's going on."

"Yes, let's continue," Koshi responds. "As I told you before, I have a brother from the north named Tabata and that genius, is his grandchild, Silva. Silva is about 178 cm which is about 5cm more than you. He also has very distinct features such as bright white hair with a braid going from the sides of his head to the back forming into a ponytail. However, his most distinctive feature is his eye discoloration as one is a bright fire red, and the other is a calm peaceful sky blue. He is a very talented individual; and Tabata shared with me himself he even gives off a powerful aether. His abilities and weapon are a complete mystery as no one is allowed to share information about him Tabata hasn't even told me that. This may be the reason everything is just considered a rumor surrounding him. However, it is getting late. It's time for you to go back to the house and get ready for sleep. I'll clean up here and I'll see you at home. You have a long week ahead of you."

Kakoz springs up and says, "Alright, grandpa, thanks for the information ill try not to let you down! I'll see you at home. Be careful!"

As Kakoz walks out of the room, Koshi continues cleaning but can't help thinking to himself, If all those rumors are true then that boy might really be a genius and a powerful force. Knowing Tabata, I'm sure he trained him well.

Silva! Can you come outside real quick?

Yeah, gramps. says the famous student from the north Silva. "Is there something you want? It's almost time to sleep. Tomorrow is my week-long journey to the city of WhyKnot."

Tabata responds. "Yes, I just wanted to say how proud I am of you and all the hard work you've done and I'm sure you'll make me proud on your journey."

"Thanks, gramps," Silva responds. "No need to tell me all of that. You know I hate all the attention I get its nothing but a distraction from my goal. When I leave here tomorrow I have no friends just obstacles my only goal is to learn to protect those I love." Kakoz, Silva, both staring into the sky say. Tomorrow will be only the beginning of the journey.

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