•chapter four•

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oh my god i am so sorry this is so late. please feel free to yell at me if i don't update in more than a week. also we're getting to the part i prewrote!!! whoohoo!!! no more pulling things out of my ass!!!

Ground Zero stood in front of the gates to UA High School, gazing up at the two towers. This was what he and Deku had longed to do together. A dream long since thrown in the trash. Now this was the breeding ground, so to speak, of his enemies.

He sucked in a breath, and was yanked out of his thoughts when Eraserhead, standing behind him, nudged him forward.

"Let's go, kid."

Zero scowled, but nodded and started walking, his arms burdened with the Quirk suppressing bracelets. As they moved through the gates, Present Mic, the other half of his escort, pointed things out around campus, like:

"That's where the second years train! You'll be living and working with them." and "That's Principal Nezu's office. I think you'll have to meet him sometime."

Zero filed away all that information for later-could be useful for escaping, or better yet, attacking, before 'tching' at the last one. He'd heard stories about the principal of UA, about his intelligence, and how he'd been tortured. Zero had actually met his tormentor once, when his mentor had brought him along to a meeting. They were kinda fucked up in the head, and kept muttering under their breath.

"Aaaaand here are the second year dorms for class 2-A!" Mic announced. They weren't really a big deal-a brick building with a few floors and some windows. "I don't think they know you're coming yet, so-"

"What day is it?" Zero interrupted.

Mic blinked, caught off guard, but answered anyway. "It's Sunday."

Zero nodded slowly.

"Right," Eraserhead stated gruffly. "They don't know you're coming, so I have to go in and explain it to them. You wait out here with Za-Mic. With Mic."


The black haired man opened the door. Loud music blared, and Ground Zero caught sight of-was that a disco ball? It wasn't even noon yet, but the inside of the dorms looked like some kind of 80s club.

Zero sighed, and gestured to the now closed door. "Is it always like this?"

Mic shrugged. "I don't know. This isn't really my class, but if I had to bet money on it I would say probably."



Apparently, Aizawa had walked into his class's biweekly dance party. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose while activating his quirk. "SHUT UP!"

I'm faced with the guilty stares of nineteen teenagers. Aoyama, who was apparently the disco ball, is hanging from the ceiling by his feet. The whole class looks like deer caught in the headlights.

"Alright you little demons. I have something to tell you all. Is everyone here?"

Iida, who is standing on the table for some reason, shook his head. "Midoriya has a cold and is staying in his room."

"Right. One of you will have to tell him for me, then."

The pink devil incarnate herself, Mina, spoke up. "Dadzawa, what is it? Is everyone okay?"

"For the last time, Mina, do not call me Dadzawa. And yes, everyone is fine."

"Well, then what is it?"

"Do not overreact to this. I promise you that it is safe."

"Hey 'Zawa, you're kinda freaking us out. Could you get to the point already?" from Kaminari.

eleven years (Villain Bakugo AU[Bakudeku])Where stories live. Discover now