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After Ricky and Nini's reconciliation when they had finished their opening night, they had both agreed it would be best to keep it secret for awhile, especially with the looming pressure of her Youth Actor's conservatory acceptance. So they resorted to sneaking around and avoiding their friends for a lot of the Winter holidays but that could only last so long.

Saturday night, after Ricky and Nini broke up, had become Big Red's and Ricky's game nights. They would eat lactose free pizza (Because Big Red is allergic to EVERYTHING) and play fortnite. So you can imagine Big Red's surprise when he ended up sitting alone on his bed waiting for Ricky one Saturday night. Ricky would never abandon game night, he has nothing better to do. Big Red thought to himself. Then being the person he is, he automatically concluded that Ricky had died and was lying dead somewhere in his house and decided to go check on him. Skating rather haphazardly, he made his way over to Ricky's with Sara Bareilles playing through his ears. As he knew she was one of Ashlyn's favourites, he made it his personal mission to listen to every song she'd ever written. Having just finished listening to Waitress, he moved onto Little Voice. Pulling up to Ricky's house, he scooped the spare key out of the mud filled plant pot and let himself in.

"Ricky! Are you dead?" He shouted around the corner, startling Ricky and Nini who were sitting very close to each other on the couch. Turning around in shock, all three of them stared at each other, none of them completely sure what to do. "So you aren't dead. And Nini is here." Noticing their proximity he commented, "And you are very close together" His eyes widened and he dropped his mouth open as he realised what was happening. "Oh my God" He hissed, "Are you guys back together." Pointing at them both in an accusing manner. When their only response was to blush and for Nini to hide her face in Ricky's chest, he continued. "So did you finally grow some balls and tell her you love her?" Now it was Ricky's turn to gape,

"Wow Red, don't sugarcoat it." He mumbled while glaring at his best friend. Meanwhile, Nini had burst into a fit of giggles and had come out of her hiding space. Big Red turned to the TV and noticed they were watching Knives out.

"Oo Knives out, my favourite." He announced as he sat down next to Nini on the sofa. Ricky was about to protest when Nini interrupted him with a squeeze of the hand accompanied by a small shake of the head. As much as she would never admit it to him, she kind of missed Big Red third wheeling the pair. The three of them had known each other forever and their friendship had been one of the biggest casualties of the 'break'. Kourtney had never been very close with Big Red or Ricky but to Nini, Big Red was an integral part of her childhood. And when she and Ricky had broken up she had to deal with two heart breaks at once. What she believed was the end of her and Ricky as friends or anything more and the heart break of loosing Big Red as a friend because it was inevitable that he would choose Ricky and side with Ricky. Resting her head on Ricky's chest she grinned at the small redhead. She had missed how oblivious he was to the fact he was a 3rd wheel. She missed his jokes, she missed him. She was glad to have her two favourite boys back in her life.

A couple days later, when Mike was out of the house, Nini had come over again. They'd spent the day watching movies and ignoring how Nini might have to leave Salt Lake City soon. Nini had gone to find an old DVD, when the doorbell rung. Ricky schlepped towards it, not wanting possibly one of his last days with Nini to be interrupted. Opening the door hesitantly, he was met with an excited pair of arms wrapping around his neck as Gina leapt at him.

"Hi" He said awkwardly, thoroughly confused.

"Guess what" Gina yelled with a beaming smile, "I'm staying in Salt Lake!" Before he could react or reply, she pulled him into another hug, screeching with excitement.

"Hey Ricky I found-" Nini halted speaking as she saw her Gina embracing her boyfriend. Gina noticed her over his shoulder and he smile faltered and fell. Peeling her self away she stared at Nini and awkwardly smiled at her small wave. Turning around Ricky noticed Nini, not sure how to explain he shrugged.

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