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The air in Gotham tonight felt more humid then usual. The sky was empty again, you couldn't see any stars during the nights here. They were always drowned out by the light pollution from the city. But I still sat out on the roof of my apartment building most nights searching, what I'm searching for I have no idea. I lit a cigarette and took a haul. The random breezes of wind were a welcoming feeling. Just being in a tank top and shorts, they clung to me like a second skin that I was melting in. All I heard around me were sirens and random people screaming at each other. It seems these days everyone only care about money and power, no one is civil anymore...

"Dany figured you would be up here," Lucy said swinging open the rooftop door.

"Yeah I figured I could try to cool down up here, but that's not working for me at all," I said wile swiping away my sweaty lavender hair from my brow.

"I don't know how many times I've called the landlord about the damn a/c in the apartment," Lucy said as she took one of my cigarettes out of the carton.

"You mean slum lord," I spat out. "Hot summers, cold winters... It is getting too damn expensive to live here."

"Would you prefer the street? Because that is where we will be going next," Lucy huffed out between puffs.

I rolled my eyes and laid on my back looking up at the sky. I hated being stuck in the small dingy apartment that sat downstairs. The building was falling apart, the elevator did not work, there was graffiti everywhere and now because of the garbage strike the air that normally just smelled like exhaust fumes now wreaked like rotting food and god knows what else.

"Alright I'm melting up here as well, I'm going back downstairs, if you need me, I'll be sitting in the fridge," Lucy said putting out her cigarette and flicking it across the roof.

"I'll be down in a bit," I laughed now jumping to my feet.

Lucy gave me a quick smile and walked back to the roof door swinging it open once again. I turned back around walked over to the edge of the building. I looked down at the ground that was 10 stories down. There were a couple of people walking quickly through the streets. You try not to walk around here during the night if you absolutely do not need too. The crime rate in this area of Gotham is quite high. People out on the streets this time of night are usually looking for some poor person to rob. I took one last draw before flicking my cigarette down to the ground below me and returned to my apartment. I opened the door and locked all three locks behind me. I came around the corner into the tiny kitchen where I expected to find Lucy but only found her dirty dishes left from dinner. I cleaned up a little, grabbed myself a bottle of water and walked into my bedroom closing the door behind me for the night. I sat on the edge of my bed opening my pill bottles. I took all 5 of my medications for the night then sitting back in my bed picking up a book to read.

My alarm was blaring as I tried to reach for it in my sleep knocking over a couple of my pill bottles. I groaned at the extra reach to hit snooze on the clock. I'm not properly waking up unless I hit snooze, I don't know how times before actually waking up. I yawned and sat up in my lumpy bed, flicked my blankets and rolled out. I flicked on a pair of shorts and a loose tank top. I walk out into the living room and see Lucy in an oversize T-shirt with a bowl of cereal in her hands watching whatever channel our tiny TV can pick up.

"Morning sleepy head, this morning snooze repeats must be a new record," Lucy spat as she shoveled another spoonful in her mouth. "I love how you are such a morning person."

"At least I woke up in the A.M, which you know rarely happens," I said as I reached for my pack of cigarettes.

I lit up my smoke and turned around to look for a clean bowl. I poured myself a bowl of cereal as well and joined Lucy on the couch.

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