I was hit with a fresh wave of fury at her lies. She would not take Prim away from me and I didn't care what I'd have to do or say to make that happen.

"Mother," I said loudly. "I told you already, I can take her."

"Katniss," she replied, equally as loud. "Your car will fall apart if you use it one more time."

Anger surged through me, and I walked closer to her. "Yeah, well, you know what? It's the best that I can do, ever since you left us. I've been trying real hard, and the car is working and that's what matters. What have you been doing while-"

"BUTTERCUP!" Prim interrupted.

"What?" my mother and I said simultaneously.

"Buttercup!" she continued, somewhat nervously. "I can't find him."

"You can't find Buttercup?" I asked incredulously.

"No!" Prim said in a shrill voice. I narrowed my eyes, trying to figure out if this was all a trick to divert my attention from my mother, or if she actually couldn't find the cat.

When her eyes grew watery, I realized that it was the latter.

"Okay," I said, walking over to her. "What if I take you to dance class, and then we come back and look for him?"

"No!" she cried. "I'm not leaving without him!"

"Darling, I'm sure it will all be okay," my mother said in her sickly sweet, fake voice. "Katniss probably just forgot to put him away."

"Mother," I said through gritted teeth. "Stay out of it."

But then, I looked at my younger sister's desperate and anxious face. A surge of sorrow and regret rushed through my body. I reminded myself that I would always put her needs above mine. No matter what.

"Prim," I said, and looked her straight in the eye. "It will be okay. I will look for Buttercup. He's just hiding like he always does. Why don't you go to dance class now?"

"B-but who will drive me?" she asked tearfully.

I sighed before responding. "She will," I said, motioning toward my mother, who beamed a fake smile and waved her hands.

"A-are you sure?" Prim asked hesitantly. I know she could tell how uncomfortable I was with this, but I had already made up my mind.

"Yes," I said tightly. "Now go!"

Prim hugged me and dashed off, bag swinging at her feet. I sighed and watched her go.

Now all I had to do was find that damn cat.


It was about thirty minutes later and I had not yet found Buttercup. I had to admit that I was getting a little worried, since he usually pops up by now, but I told myself that he was around here somewhere.

"Hey, Annie!" a deep voice called. I rolled my eyes and knew at once that it was Liam, but continued searching under the couch for that missing cat.

"Yeah?" Annie said, voice laced with doubt and a little uncertainty.

"How'd you like to grab some lunch with me?" he asked.

I froze mid-search and tried to ignore the fury rushing through my body.

"Sure?" Annie said, glancing at me. I could tell she was a bit uncomfortable since she had known this Liam for about two days, but I knew she could never turn down a good meal.

"Great!" he said, A little too happily. "Let's hit the road then!"

"Katniss-?" Annie asked hesitantly. "Um, it is okay-"

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