Chapter Thirteen - Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw

Start from the beginning

"It was decent enough, but the gale-force winds and rain made it pretty much impossible to keep going so I had to finish practice early, which isn't great. At least we have an extra practice on Friday night that I can use to make sure that we will CRUSH Ravenclaw!" I say, leaning against the fireplace casually. "Oh, and thank you so much for cancelling the Prefect's meeting on Friday!" I add as an afterthought. Lily and I were meant to host a Prefect's meeting to just ensure that everybody is ok, but Lily managed to rearrange it so that we can do it next week instead, which is really incredible of her. She nods, smiling, and says, "Here James, you should probably have a nice, hot shower! We don't want you getting a cold now do we?". Awwww! I love Lily actually caring about me as a friend! She is just..... Honestly, there are no adjectives strong enough to describe how amazing Lily Evans is! "Yep!" I say, grinning at her before summoning my towels and pyjama trousers from my bedroom and heading into the bathroom.

After a nice, steaming shower, I head back into the common room just as Lily comes down the stairs. She smiles at me, and I grin back and go to sit on one of the armchairs. We're both in our sleepwear - she's wearing these super cute pyjamas and I'm wearing tartan pyjama bottoms and no shirt. Yep, we're that comfortable around each other. Lily is wearing a nice, comfy-looking dressing gown over her pyjamas and these adorable slippers! She sits down on the other armchair, and even with her dressing gown on, she wraps a big, grey, fluffy blanket around her petite body, and snuggles into it as she begins to read her book. Lily has about seventeen bloody layers on, and then there's me shirtless. Could we be anymore different?

A/N - Friends reference! I was watching it as I was writing this, and I just had to! :)

We sit in a comfortable silence for a little while, before I grab my copy of Quidditch Through the Ages from one of the library shelves and begin reading it for the one hundredth time! After about half an hour of reading, I look at the clock and realise that it is about eleven p.m. Merlin, where did the time go?! As I want to try and be in bed early enough this week in preparation for the big match, I say good night to Lily and head up to my bedroom, where I fall asleep as soon as my head hits my pillow and dream of the fiery little redhead who owns my heart.

The next few days leading up to the match pass too quickly in my opinion, and before I know it it's Saturday morning and I have to start mulling over every single little thing in my head about the game. We can win.....right? I begin minorly panicking, and overthinking absolutely everything. I skip downstairs, only to run up them again because I forgot my broomstick ( a Silver Arrow 200 - the best on the market! My parents got me it for becoming Head Boy, and they also got Padfoot one!). I sprint down them once more, only this time I forgot to put on my Quidditch robes. I repeat this cycle about five times until I am certain that I have everything. As I start jumping on the spot, preparing to go down to breakfast, a sleepy, groggy Lily comes down the stairs from her bedroom, rubbing her half-closed eyes. "Why the actual fuck did you run up and down the stairs a gazillion times?" she says, half-tired, half-angry. "Sorry! Just kept forgetting stuff!" I reply, slightly panicked by the angry tone in her voice. "But why are you up at the crack of dawn?" she asks groggily, looking at me. "Actually, it's eight a.m and the Quidditch match starts at ten a.m and I have to time my breakfast just to make-" I begin to say, when she cuts me off. "Oh yeah! Quidditch! Potter, chill the fuck out! You'll be fine! You flattened Ravenclaw last year! Now go down to breakfast and allow me to get my beauty sleep!" she says, beginning to walk back up the stairs to her room, not after smiling at me though. "Thanks Lily!" I say, waving at her as she reaches her bedroom door. She gives me a feeble half-wave back before almost collapsing into her room. 

She's so adorable in the morning! I love that she shows me this side of her - I really do! There's no chance of me getting over her, no chance whatsoever! Her showing me this side to her, it just makes me love her even more, you know? And Merlin, do I love her! I love her so much it almost kills me that I can't have her! But I have to focus on Quidditch! Focus on Quidditch....

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