Chapter 8

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Forth's pov:

I felt so happy when i went back to my place that night.

I can finally be happy. Someone finally wants me. I won't be alone anymore.

These thoughts were repeating in my head over and over again. I couldn't stop smiling.

I opened my sketchbook which Beam had bought for me. I hadn't used it yet because i didn't know what to draw. But now i knew what i wanted to draw.

So i took my pencils and got to work.

After three hours of hard work and concentration, i finally finished it. I looked at it satisfied with my work.

I'll give this to him tomorrow.

With that in mind, i climbed into the mattress after keeping it securely in my closet. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

The next day, i didn't have any shifts so i decided to walk around the neighbourhood.

Beam said he has classes at ten and will finish at four so i have a lot of free time.

I observed the surroundings, mostly the different types of clothes i saw people wearing. When i reached a park, i sat down on the bench and took out my sketchbook.

I drew out some of the dresses and clothes which caught my eyes. I then drew out some new ideas which popped into my head. Mostly children's and men's clothes. I'm not very good at designing women's clothing. I can do small girl's, but for adult women i dont have many ideas.

I wanted to study fashion design in university, but i didn't have enough money so i had to give up on the idea. I tried to go to some taylors and clothing shops to see if they would look at my designs. But they would always refuse the moment they realise I'm mute. They wouldn't even try to look at my designs. So instead i started working part time in the café to support myself and just gave up on my dream.

I've always loved drawing different complicated designs, but since i was barely making ends meet, i couldn't buy a new sketchbook or any pencils to draw. So this is the first time in a long time I'm finally able to draw out my ideas.

I was so absorbed in my drawing that i didn't realise someone had walked up behind me.

Someone suddenly covered my eyes with their hands. At first i startled and was about to hit them but then i heard his voice.

"Guess who?"

A smile automatically made its way onto my face.

Since i couldn't really type i just mouthed his name.



He removed his hands from my eyes and walked around to sit beside me.

I chuckled at his childishness.

I took out my phone and typed.

Didn't you say you have classes?

"I do. I'm on my lunch break" He looked at my sketchbook.

"Hey those designs look really cool! Did you come up with them yourself? " He looked at the designs with wide eyes.

I nodded.

"Why don't you take these designs to some taylors or clothing shops? I'm sure they would love to work with you? These are beautiful." He said.

I looked at the drawings sadly.

I did but they refused to even look at the designs.

"Why?" He frowned.

Because I'm mute. They said it would be bad for their reputation. Plus i only have a high school diploma. I don't go to any university.

His frown deepened.

"So what if you're mute and don't go to any university? They should at least look at your designs. These look like they will be really popular."

I smiled sadly.

"Hey..." He gently caressed my cheek. "It's going to be ok. I know a designer. I'll talk to him about your designs. I'm sure he'll be interested."

I looked at him with hopeful eyes.

You really think so?

"I'm sure." he smiled.

His phone suddenly rang.

"Yes pha.... Ok I'll be there.... Give me ten minutes." He then hung up.

"I have to go now. I'll meet you infront of your place after class ok?" He turned to me.

I nodded.

After he left, i looked at my drawings.

Will that person really be interested? They won't reject me when they find out I'm mute? Will these designs be good enough?

These questions kept ringing in my head but i didn't have the answer to any of them. I didn't want to jump to conclusions when i haven't even met the person. I could only hope that he will be willing to work with me.

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