Chapter Thirty-Three

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It bothered me so much; I didn't know why I felt this way. Surely it wasn't because I liked Niall. Hell, Harry would definitely kill me of that were so.

Perhaps I was jealous of the loving way they interacted with each other; the relationship I had with Harry was not nearly quite as familiar as the one that they shared.

"Anyways," Liam said, patting Niall's back softly, "we should really get a move on and start heading to the mansion."

He took the lead in the front and began leading us back out towards the unknown wilderness, very much away from civilization. Niall skipped ahead of me and caught up to Liam, conversing about random topics that were relative to their former lives; I felt very much out of place.

"Oh!" Niall gasped. "How's Louis doing? Did he get together with Eleanor?"

Although he sounded quite elated, his actions didn't match his words whatsoever; he seemed quite down regardless of his curiosity.

"My foster home is quite some distance away from London, but Eleanor did message me to tell me that they are officially an item; she sometimes sends me pictures of the two of them, but I try not to open them because they make me miss home that much more."

"Oh," Niall murmured, deflating a bit. He sulked and slowed his pace until he had fallen back to where I was.

"Niall, do you like Louis?" I asked, confused by who this 'Louis' person was. I was so sure that Niall was in love with Harry; why did it seem otherwise when he spoke of Louis?

"What?" Niall laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"Aren't you in love with Harry?" I asked, bewildered by the situation. From my previous conversations with Niall, it sounded like he was head over heels for Harry; not only that, but his actions when the two were together further confirmed my prior suspicions.

"What the hell are you going on about?" Niall laughed, elbowing my side harshly.

"I see the way you look at Harry, I hear the way you talk about him; if that's not love then I don't know what is."

"Who's Harry?" Liam asked, turning around and walking backwards as he watched the exchange between Niall and me.

"Shut up, Zayn," Niall hissed, pushing me roughly—as if that would make me stop pestering him.

"Harry's my best mate; he's also the man that Niall's madly in love with."

"Not even."

"Ouch. Harry would be so upset if he were here. You know, he's practically obsessed with you."

I grinned as I saw Niall blush and cross his arms across his chest. "I don't want to talk about Harry right now."

"No need to be shy, Niall," Liam chimed in, pinching Niall's cheek. "I've never seen you so flustered! Tell me more about this Harry lad."

"He's rude as hell and treats me like a slut," Niall huffed, kicking a small pebble and watching it roll through the snow. "That's what."

"Hey now," I frowned, hitting Niall's bum lightly with the makeshift bag. "Harry may not know how to interact with you, but that's because he doesn't know how to interact with people that he's interested in. Clearly, he knows how to behave around other nobles and even Taylor; he only ever loses it around you."

Niall's pace quickened as he passed by Liam and aimlessly led us.

"You're going the wrong way," Liam called, laughing heartily as Niall turned around and scowled at us. Liam hurriedly caught up to Niall and began to redirect us. He motioned me to come speak to him, so I did just that. "What's it like between the two of them?" he asked, grinning as Niall elbowed his arm harshly.

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