Real Quick Explanation

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Okay I realized that this doesn't make much sense so let me give a brief explanation about how I see this in my AU/fanfic.

Okay so there are teachers that teach different classes, for the heroics course there are teachers for different subjects.  There is a Class 1-A, 2-A, and 3-A.  Filled with different students.  The teachers switch classes to teach their subjects to a different class.  So let's say Ms. Winston teaches Math and Mr. Dolan teaches English, the class they start in is their homeroom and they teach the subject.  Then once they're done Ms. Winston goes out of the classroom to teach Mr. Dolan's class and same for Me. Dolan, he goes out of his homeroom to teach Ms. Winston's class.

The students obviously have to have grace periods to get their muscles moving, grace periods are between every 3 classes. For gym they rotate and walk to wherever gym is being held.  So some teachers get a little free time.  And students are also aloud to walk around during lunch, after school, and before school.  That's where Enji sees Rei and talks to her.

Hopefully that was helpful and explained things in case you guys (if someone finds this story) were confused.  I know this doesn't work like that in the Anime or Manga but I had to manage somehow to fit it into the story.

Okay bye-bye😊💕✌🏼

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