Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Kyra Mikaelson was nervously tapping the pencil on her desk while chewing on her bottom lip. He was coming. Klaus Mikaelson was coming home today and she was nervous as hell. For the last two days she's been with Damon and hasn't come home to Elijah, but he knows that she's been out with him so he didn't worry too much over it. These last two days Kyra and Stefan are somewhat on talking terms, trying out with being friends but every time Elena makes kissy faces at him she has to go. The bell finally rang for the last class as Kyra sighed and nervously got up. When she made it to her locker she saw Stefan already there waiting for her.
"What's up with you?" He casually asked not looking at her as she placed her books in her locker.
"Nothing," she muttered quietly.
Stefan sighed.
"Look, you've been acting weird and nervous all day. Seriously what's wrong Kyra?"
"Just don't worry about it Stefan alright. It's my problem not yours," she says just as her phone rang.
She sighed picking it up.
"Hello baby sister. I have arrived and noticed you weren't here. Elijah told me you were at school though and I need you home immediately so we can discuss some things," Nik said on the other line.
"I-I'm gonna see Damon for a little while Nik, I'll be home soon,"
"Elijah's also been telling me that you haven't been home for the last two days. I might have someone that's important to you,"
"Nik please tell me you don't have Damon,"
"Just doing a little interrogation on him about you. Maybe a little bit of torture so I'll know how faithful he is to you. You know how much I hate the other Salvatore, come home. That is an order," he says before hanging up.
When Kyra looked back at Stefan she noticed Elena was now with him.
"Damon's been captured?"
"I have to go," Kyra says before quickly leaving the two behind.
"OH GOD DAMON!" Kyra yelled running into the house as Damon was tied up to the ceiling with a cloth on his mouth.
He was beaten and bruised as Kyra rushed over to him but he kept shaking his head.
"I'm so sorry Damon," Kyra admits as Vervain was on the ropes but it did nothing to her as she got Damon down easily.
She removed the cloth from his mouth as he fell into her arms.
"So that's Klaus," was the first thing he muttered out as Kyra fell to the ground with him.
"Damon I'm so sorry baby. I truly am I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore,"she told him with tears in her eyes as Damon weakly places a hand on her cheek and wiped it away.
"I still love you. I'll always love you no matter what happens,"
"Isn't that sweet?" A voice called from the kitchen as Nik had a dagger in his hand and was dipping it in white oak ash.
"You know baby sister. I've done everything to try and make him leave you but he's so in love with you that he just won't quit,"
"Niklaus please. Please it's been years why are you still trying to dagger me?"
"Because baby sister I'm getting rid of lose ends and I don't need you messing up my plans because of him," he says pointing at Damon with the dagger.
"Run Damon," Kyra says getting up with him as he stumbled before regaining his balance.
"I'm not leaving you alone with-"
He was cut short as a pair of lips captured his own. He immediately kissed her back but before things got too heated she pulled away.
"Please go, I love you Damon, but I need you to go. Now,"
"But I-"
Kyra sighed as a tear slipped down her cheek as she snapped Damon's neck.
"I'm taking him home I'll be back I promise,"
Klaus stared amused.
"Don't keep me waiting love. I'll kill him if I have to find you,"
Once Kyra got to the boarding house she took Damon inside and left him on the couch. Knowing that this is the last time she'll see him, she kissed him on the forehead before Stefan came downstairs.
"Damon. Oh god what happened?"
"He wouldn't leave Stefan. I had no choice. I know things between us are really bad right now but I never regretted the time I got to spend with you. Goodbye Stefan, take care of Elena," she finished as Stefan only looked at her confused before she flashed out of the house.
She went back to her own where Nik was patiently waiting on the couch.
"Ready to be reunited with the others?"
"Fuck you Niklaus. Elijah won't allow this,"
Klaus chuckled as he got up and ran to her.
"Elijah isn't here now is he? And besides unless he wants a dagger in his heart too. He won't object," Klaus says just as he plunged the dagger deep into Kyra's stomach.
She gasped as she began turning gray and viny.
"It was nice seeing you again sister. When you awaken again I'll tell you all about Chicago of 1920," was the last thing she heard before she blacked out.

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