Chapter Six

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I scowled at Father as he barely dodged the blade coming for his neck, he had definitely gotten rusty over the years and the sick feeling in my stomach was already letting me know exactly what would be crossing everyone's mind soon. Father was no longer made for waging wars and that meant someone would soon be taking his place as head of the community, this was too much in the span of weeks upon us. 

The light puffs of clouds told me that it wouldn't be much longer before we reached the snowy plains, and only two more days of traveling before we stumbled upon Mass Mark, and that I could only hope would go well. I pulled Evy taut to me, shivering slightly so I could imagine how he was shaking like a leaf under the thick hide we scavenged from the cabin. I glanced over at Aumite to find him whispering with a woman that was softly giggling at something he was saying, I couldn't help but role my eyes before looking over at his new slave and watching as the slave sat quietly close to a tree, eyes closed and seeming to be in slumber.

"I can't imagine how he feels." Evy whispered, catching my attention as I looked over at him in confusion. 

"He's a slave, we care not of how he feels." I said without thinking but the moment it crossed my mind, I hesitated to look over at Evy.

Techincally, when I took Evy, that made him my slave and of course, the expression on his face told me that my words had hurt his feelings. A strong wintry breezed caused my teeth to chatter and Father dismissed his opponent as he breathed heavily and plopped down on a log that was dead and covered in a small layer of frost. The winters in the North was complete hell, as expected, and I was still regretting agreeing to go to the North instead of fighting to get our land back. We were making good journey, and with weapons, able to hunt our own game and cook it ourselves, a huge step in victory for us considering we lost almost everything that wasn't packed yet. 

"I care." Evy whispered, teeth chattering as well. "He shouldn't be so bare."

Evy was right, Aumite had left his slave nearly bare in the frosty weather and the bonds around his wrists kept his hands behind his back, leaving the man no warmth and even I was starting to feel bad. I was a whale and I was shivering from the chilliness in the air, Aumite was only upset that he lost his wife but he shouldn't torture his slave because of so. Evy rose to his feet and grabbed one of the thin hides before throwing it over the slave as I watched closely, Zayen followed Evy's every step over to the slave and back as Evy sat back down beside me. I wrapped my arm around Evy once more and pulled him into my warmth, making sure to leave room for Zayen who quickly wiggled between us. 


Mass Mark was exactly that, it was massive with many people bustling with energy, I believe it's biggest market I ever went to and I've been around the world. I gestured for Evy to lift Zayen into his arms and I grabbed his unoccupied hand as we moved closer as a civilization, and in the bustling people, you could get separated easily. Oddly, people quickly parted as the stares started and they whispers rose in the air seconds later. They weren't known for getting many visitors in the area but they weren't so friendly considering the last visitors raided their market and burned their homes. Hopefully we're not recognizable. 

I looked over at Father as he greeted someone that was wearing lavishing robes to signify their status, I watched closely as their conversation was brief, and Father turned to us before nodding. The man that Father spoke with eyes Aumite closely before looking at the slave Aumite happily seemed to tote around with him, I knew that look immediately. I grabbed Evy and pulled him in the direction of a random vendor as I watched closely to Aumite talking with the man that was asking about his slave, as male slavery wasn't allowed in the region. 

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