Chapter Three

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I watched as everyone in the crowd rose to their feet while thinking how serious this journey to the North would be, it was a simple journey but it would definitely become more severe the longer we moved up. We could nestle our home right on the ridge or, we could venture into the actual North and possibly settle, but I was sure that after all these centuries that something settled there by now. I walked over at Evy as he lifted Zayen into his arms and lightly kissed his head, I immediately kissed his head also before cupping Evy's cheeks so he'd look at me. I knew he was still pretty upset about the land we just lost and I couldn't imagine how he truly felt, considering this was the second time this has happened.

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked him with concern, pulling my family taut to me.

"I will be." Evy whispered, making my mood only worsen as I pecked his head next. "We'll be moving North."

"Yes, it'll be a hell of a journey." I warned him, leaning back to look him in the face as he seemed nervous. "But, we'll be fine. We're strong."

Evy glanced around and I took the chance to do so as well, and I was amazed at the sight of my people hurrying to get ready for this adventure, children bristled around with excitement as mothers worked on packing away what little they had escaped with. The men were hurdled around Father, who was coming up with a plan so we could start our venture upwards, and I knew that I should probably join the discussion. I released Evy and walked toward the group, which quickly parted to make room for me.

"... and we'll find food near Mast Mark-" Father was saying as I tuned into the discussion.

"Mass Mark doesn't like Vik-" Henry, the fisherman, interrupted.

"We're not going on this mission as Vikings." I spoke up, catching all the men's attention around me as their eyes landed on mine. "We're going as civilians that are looking for a new settlement."

"So, no hacking heads?" Aumite huffed, appearing to pout slightly.

"Yes, Aumite, NO hacking heads." Father took over. "We're hoping to make treaties along the way, just incase. It's been years, many, many years since I've ventured North, we have no clue what could be there."

"Fire-breathing D'agon!" We all turned our head to look at a black-haired young boy that had clasped onto Henry's leg and roared, making us all chuckle.

"Hurry on, Rus, your mother probably need help getting all your brother's toge-"

"But, Pa, I-"

"Go on, Rus." Henry swatted him gently in the direction of a woman scurrying with five children rushing back and forth around her.

Rus huffed but departed from our discussion as we all zeroed back in on Father, I listened closely as he told us the plans before we all agreed to them and dismissed ourselves while I watched Aumite and Father linger near each other. I wasn't scared of Aumite, there was no reason to be, but I did deserve all the anger he showed because he lost his wife. I would be upset if Evy was ever taken from me, and definitely if I wasn't allowed to go get him, I knew Aumite wouldn't listen to Father's ordered because he never does. I walked over to where Evy was waiting for me, I sat down beside him before pecking his forehead and pulling him tight against my side. 

"We're going to stop as Mast Mark first, it's only a few days away from here."

"I've never been to Mast Mark." Evy whispered shyly.

I nodded slowly while remembering my first trip to the small land that was still growing when a few Vikings and I stumbled over it, we hadn't harassed them very much but they definitely weren't happy when we had left them with nearly no food or clothing. I could only hope they would welcome us as peace comers and help us out the kindness of their heart, children would be a good sign that we come with peace. I rose to my feet as Father started to ready everyone with the trip, I moved to stand beside him as Aumite stood on the other side of him. 

This was it, this was going to be a long journey because it was going to be on foot, and even if we did get a boat, that boat would only be able to take us so far before ice covered the sea. I gulped at the thought, ice would be everywhere once we met the front of the north, it would be cold everyday. I hated the cold. We listened to Father make spill about safety and children staying with their parents at all times, we would rest after the first day passes and then we would move for two days then rest once more. 

I peeked over at Evy to see him staring off into the distance, his eyes were glassy and I knew exactly what was happening, he was having a breakdown about this situation and I quickly grabbed his hand in mine to comfort him. He squeezed mine tightly before turning to look at me. I leaned over and pecked his temple, he smiled lightly at me because he knew I was trying to encourage him to be strong, he had to be strong. I had to be strong for the sake of my family, and he had to be strong for the sake of Zayen, who would be with him most of the trip. 

Let the journey begin.

To hell with the North. 

I couldn't help but think as I slumped to the ground tiredly, Evy sighed breathlessly and laid down beside me, I glanced around the crowd as people were releasing their feet of their shoes. I heard the groans of pain as sores were growing on people feet from walking in their uncomfortable sandals all day, I was mostly used to this walking but over the year, I had grown bulkier. I walked near the edge of the group with Aumite walking in the back, Father lead the group in the direction of the North. I kept my double-sided axe ready at all times, just incase someone stumbled across us and wanted to cause trouble, I wasn't going to have any of it, definitely with all the children around.

 Eve curled into my side and I quickly fastened him to my body so he could be warm as he rested, he looked exhausted with bags under his eyes, I hated to see him so stressed. I lightly pecked his forehead as he reached up and brushed his soft fingertips through my beard, which had grown significantly over the years. I missed being clean-faced, and I usually took the time to trim myself with a dagger, only because Evy didn't like all the hair sprouting from my face. He'd say it irritates his sensitive caramel skin, and even I've seen the small red rashes he'd get whenever I used to ground my face against his body. He had darkened considerably and the soft hue to his skin always made him sparkle in my eye, he was a walking dream to me. 

I, however, had started to allow laziness to incase my frame, I was more thicker than masculine and even I had started to notice the sagging of my pectorals now that I was walking around shirtless, rather than in a tunic. My strong abdominal muscles were now soft and even started to pudge, and my bones ached with every step I took toward the North. I was completely out of shape, things had been easier in the community with us having to hunt for food any longer. There wasn't constant fighting around the union so I hadn't actually battled anyone, meaning I was pretty rusty in combat, I needed to get myself back into shape and stronger incase the time came to protect my family. With that in mind, I closed my eyes to rest for the night. 

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