Chapter 5 - Handcuffs

Start from the beginning

"Oh, yeah, that makes sense." I furrowed my brows a bit in understanding

"And stop with the violence!" He added as he rubbed his sides gently, it must still hurt and I dont know why but I cant help but laugh on the inside. Why do I find people pain funny? Am I a sadist!?

"It's not violence, it's my way of communication and since your my boyfriend (fake) it's a must to get used to." I smirked proudly, no boyfriend of mine haven't got a taste of how strong my fist really is though Haiden isnt my boyfriend he makes a good punching bag. Wait... I'M NOT A SADIST!

"Gods, your going to kill me from all that punching if this continues." He rolled his eyes, "Come on babe" He emphasized, he must really love his sarcastic come backs. "We have a couple to stalk to" He grinned and winked at me and again I felt my cheeks burn. Wow, what a charmer.

I grinned, ''Your right about the stalking thing but you forgot the most important part'' He furrowed his eyebrow together in confusion and wonder which I found to be a really cute expression. ''We have a couple to break up.''

After that we went to the direction where Paul and Sarah went a while ago with our hands together and swinging it back and fourth like a typical cheesy and lovey-dovey couple. My eyes were all around the place to find a certain brown haired guy with a raven dark haired girl, Haiden was also doing the same his head looking left and right while his green-forest like eyes scanned the whole crowded area while tightening his hold on my hand as if he was afraid to lose me or for me to get lost in his company but I just decided to shrug it off thinking that it was just for the act. After what seemed like an hour but was actually only a minute, I spotted them buying Ice cream near the park, instinct took over and I pulled Haiden closer to me, he looked confuse for a while at my sudden boldness when he saw where I'm looking at his eyes followed and at this time, I'm pretty sure he already spotted Paul and Sarah but hes next word made me want to hit him for proving me wrong.

''What? You want an ice cream?'' He asked innocently, I sighed and shook my head

''No, you idiot!'' I hissed ''10 o'clock!'' I said and I felt him turn and finally this time he saw them.

''Oh, there they are!'' He childlishly pointed. I slapped his hands down and glared at him.

''You think!?''

After giving me a rather very cute apologetic and sheepish smile, we went out and played Detective. If Yuno what I mean.

We bought caps and over sized shades that covers almost my whole cheeks, you know that super duper big glasses, actresses and actors used to hide their faces on when going out in the public? That's exactly what we bought and looking at Haiden I can't help but giggle as he turned to me wearing that big glasses and I could tell that he was confused.

''You look hot with shades.'' I snickered. You look bad-ass gangster. But of course I won't tell him that! Telling him hot is already enough confession.

He grinned, ''Hotter than Paul?''

I shook my head and stuck out my tounge at him, childlishly to which he laughed because of my sillyness. ''In your dreams idiot.''

After sneaking in hiding behind bushes to stalk Paul and Sarah.... Don't ask me how our stalking changed to dating. I have no idea how haiden had managed to get me in Chik-fil-A and how the hell he managed to make me eat chicken. Urgh! Who am I kidding? It's those stupid puppy eyes he's giving me that I somehow cannot resist!

"Hey." He called as he chewed his burgers in his mouth like a squirrel.

"Don't talk when your mouth is full." I simply answered while eyeing him. It's a cute sight if I may confess. "What is it?"

"Why don't you try dating someone else?'' He asked curiously though I know he doubted to ask me that.

"Because I'm in love." I answered playing and making circles on the wooden table.

"Why don't you try dating me?''

I scoffed, "We are dating. What else would you call this?"

He rolled his eyes as he took a napkin and wiped his mouth first before speaking, "No, I mean, like a real date." He grinned showing burgers in his teeth and I couldn't help it to laugh. I didn't care if people were looking at me crazy but Haiden is too freaking cute and funny that I just can't resist to laugh at his bewildered face lips slightly parted showing part of his whites teeth. How the hell could you get a burger stuck in your teeth and not feel it with your lips or tounge!?

"Why are you laughing?'' He frowned at me adorably, "Are you bipolar?"

To prevent myself from laughing I bit down my lower lip hard but not hard enough to bleed "No idiot!" I forced myself to glare at him but found myself laughing again somewhat maniacally this time and it caught more attention some laughing too though they don't know what's funny.

"Astrid, keep it down!" Haiden whispered obviously uncomfortable from all the people staring at us.

"Okay, okay. Pfft, okay." I panted still giggling a bit. "Your teeth." I grinned, he looked at me tilting his head to the side innocently. "You have a burger in your teeth!''

It was fun. It was incredibly fun! Haiden wasn't that bad of a company after all. All the time he would make some humorous comments about the people passing by but I think he was just being the sassy king he is. After eating, we payed the bill and went out to the park where we used to stalk a while ago, it was still hot outside and the sun was shining like a B above us.

"Not so bad, Haiden." I complimented with a smirk plastered all over my face.

"Eh." He cockily grinned, "Better than Paul?"

''Your hundred years too young to be able to surpass Paul.''

''Aw, thank you.'' He said wiping a non existent tear before putting his hand to his chest with closed eyes dramatically. Over acting bro. ''Your kind words have reached my heart.''

I laughed for the nth time today. Gods, he can pass as a clown though I hate clowns. They're one hundred million times scarier than Barney singing I love you, you love me with his small hands!

Suddenly, a girl about 12 or 13 came up infront of us. She was tall with a slightly tan skin, chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes which reminds me of Paul.

''Neh, big sis, are you two a couple?'' She bluntly asked with her two hands on her back. Her voice was sweet and her smile was so contagious that I didn't notice I was smiling till now.

I nodded and entwined my fingers with Haiden, he didn't seem to mind as he squuzed my hand tighter and looked at me with an amused grin.

Suddenly, we felt a cold metal on our wrist, with a frown because of the sudden cold contact I looked down to see what it is. And man! I swear my eyes never widened as wide as it is now.

Handcuffs! Why am I handcuffed with Haiden!? I looked over to Haiden to see him blushing mad, blinking and jaw dropped. Then, I turned over to the girl as she threw confetti's above our heads and giggled mad as kids started to encircle around us. What she said next made me blush.

''Let the wedding between, Onii-chan and Onee-chan start!''

To be continued...

Ooh! Dayuuuummm!!! You werent expecting that now did ya?

Tssk! Kids and their Marriage Booth! *grins*

Haha! Wait for the next chaptie and I gotta admit... I'm such a tease.


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