Chapter 1 - Accident

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Hiccup POV

I groaned as my Alarm Clock rings waking me up in my peaceful slumber. I reached for it and slammed it shut, beside my Nightstand. Today, is my first day in this school. I used to study at Bog until my father suggested that I should just transfer here on Berk so that It's nearer.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched my body to waken my soul a bit. I was never really a morning person, if my dad who's full of Energy. I'm.. A bit of a torpid and dull.

I laughed as Toothless started licking my palm, tickling me a bit. I started to pet him and he started wagging his tail.

''Morning to you too, Baby-boo'' I said scratching him behind his ear. I thought that only cats like that I never knew dogs too, that's of course before I found Toothless behind our backyard. He barked happily and started running towards the door and downstairs,leaving me alone in my room.

I went to my bathroom, took a quick shower. Change into my White shirt, gray pants and black Nike rubber shoes. I rushed downstairs when I heard a loud growl come out in my tummy.

I made myself some Toasted bread and spread it with my favorite Nutella. I reached on the top of our fridge to get dog food for Toothless who was looking at me with puppy eyes, whimpering and pushing his plate towards me for Milk and Food.

''Yeah, yeah. I'm on it, don't give me those eyes,'' I chuckled as I pour the milk into his Plate with a writing 'Tooth' in it and placed food into his plate that has the writing 'Less'. He barked happily and started digging on his food. I patted his head two times before proceeding to make myself some Cocoa.

''Morning son!" My father greeted behind me, I didn't bother to look and continued on pouring Hot water to my cup.

''Morning dad,'' He was still in the house? How unusual. Usually he'd be out about now, doing his paper works. ''Why are you still here? I thought you'd be at your office by now,'' I said taking a sip of my cocoa, warming my belly and my whole body as it made its way down.

''Yeah,'' He poured Coffee powder to his cup and poured hot water in it. ''I'm going to be gone for 4 months.'' He casually said, as he took a sip of his coffee and sitting on the table reading daily newspaper.

''Again?" I asked not really shocked about the news. This happens every 1 month of him staying at the house. ''When are you leaving?"


''Wow, that soon?''

''Yeah, I need to entertain an important guest and make him sign a contract for the better --'' I cutted him off,

''It's cool, dad. Not really necessary to tell me the whole story. Just bring me back something. ''

''You focus on your study, Haiden. Though I don't really mind you finding a girlfriend, and all,'' I rolled my eyes. Okay, here we go about this subject again.

''Dad, I'd rather be genius than to be in-love,"

''You'll change your mind soon, Son.'' He nodded as if he was sure that that could happen, but as innocent as I am, that's impossible. I have no idea on what the hell it feels like being in a relationship, Heck! I don't even know what love is!

''I guess so?" I shrugged, ''Can I stay at the condo?"

''Yeah.'' He nodded. ''Are you going with Seth?"

Seth 'Snotlout' Jorgensen, my cousin. Were close but attitudes are complete different. His father is the owner of the most successful car shop in the whole region.

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