Sneak Peek

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"God damn it, Haiden." I whined, shifting my attention from my laptop to my pouting boyfriend, who was demanding attention. 

He gave me the eyes. Puppy eyes. "I want girlfriend to play with boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes pretrneding to be annoyed but the smile on my face betrayed me. I turned back to my laptop. "Well, Girlfriend doesn't want to play with Boyfriend." 

"Oh come on, baabeee!" Tugging on my left arm like a kid, "I just want to have some mooshy mooshy time.." He explained, his face scrunched in an adorable way 

I blushed at that. Hard. Extremely hard. "Haiden, stop it! Jesus, you're an adult already yet you act so childish." 

"Only with you!" He argued. It was true though. He's only like this when we're alone together in our apartment. 

"Babe, please?" He said hugging me from behind and kissing my shoulders lovingly. I groaned and pushed him away a bit. 

"Haiden, just a few more minutes." I pleaded. I really needed to finish this project.

"Fine! You got 2 minutes but no loer than that!" He pouted. I chuckled at his childish behavior and leaned in to kiss his cheek, succesfully making him smile. 

"I promise!" I turned back onto my laptop and started doing my work. 

I moved into Haiden's apartment now since I practically have been spending all night here. We figured it'd be easier If I just move in and so I did. We're currently on a work together but as you can see, He's taking a break and he's tagging me along with it to play. Seriously, He's so adorable! He's 25 years old, for Pete sake yet here looked as if he didn't age! So childish and so playful and so Haiden. 

A pair of strong arms wrapped itself to my torso and pulling me towards it. I rolled my eyes. This guy don't know how to keep his hands to himself.

He kissed my cheek and I could feel him grinning, "Two minutes is over, M'lady!" 

"Oh come on, Haiden. I barely even started.." I whined once more. I seem to be doing that too much lately.

He frowned and showed me those dejected eyes.. 

Oh hell no! 

You don't show me that... Urgh! 

He looked down the ground and slowly pulled his arms back. I groaned to myself.

He's such a drama king.

As he stood from my bed and walked towards his. I couldn't contain it anymore.

"Okay, jeez! You win." I closed my laptop and placed it to my bed side. "Come on, baby boo!" 

He turned around with a huge victory grin. I laughed. See? He's such a good actor!

"I knew, you'd say that!" He chimed before launching himself on me and peppering my face with smooth feather kisses.

"Okay, okay. What do you wanna play?" 

"How about we play who gets to kiss the better?" He suggested wiggling his eyebrows knowingly. I laughed 

"No! Definitely." 




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