Chapter 1: Iron Blood

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People walked around the streets of New York completely unaware that the supernatural existed.

Over hundreds of centuries, werewolves have wandered these lands without being discovered. They hid in plain sight as regular business employees, students, lawyers, doctors, cops and even drug dealers. And in this secret society of werewolves there's a hierarchy, and no matter where one went on this planet, a hierarchy always called for trouble. The shifter world is ruled by the strongest alphas, and their packs have been following them since beginning of their creation.

However, for this system to run smoothly, all the alphas must follow a code which was created by their ancestors. Although, the one that ruled them all, protected them all and created them, was their goddess, Maya. She was the deity that all werewolves' evil or good worshipped. If someone ever wondered why a wolf howled towards a lonesome moon? It was because that beautiful creature knew that Maya would always listen to his prayers.

Prayers. No deity listened to the prayers that were screamed every night in the Petrov mansion when innocents faced demons greater than the ones in purgatory itself.

However, one man listened. In his cage, shackled to the floor like an animal ready for slaughter, he counted each prayer and sought retribution. Yet, he was no god, but a monster. A monster that killed the ones who made him ruthless. They sucked the blood and kindness out of his life leaving him scarred. His past was tortured enough to frighten anyone and get out of his way.

A reputation that was marred with the blood of his pack. Isaiah Iron had slaughtered his entire family to free his brothers. He never regretted his decision, although the past had its way of slithering in front of his eyes and reminding him that refuge was not found at the end of his life. He wasn't going to find peace in this lifetime.

A goddess or not, no one could purify his tattered soul.


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The bitter bite of the winter air didn't waver Isaiah Iron's steps. The night was young as Isaiah made his way through the streets of Manhattan. Although it was dark, the golden streetlights danced on the cold and dark pavement. Lazarus, the beta of the Iron Blood pack wouldn't approve of his alpha taking a stroll through this part of the town at night- well even in the morning the beta wouldn't approve.

Except, Isaiah couldn't help but give in to the need to be on his own right now, and the blame went to his wolf who was giving him more trouble with that terrible temper of his. Isaiah burned off his wolf's raging mood and tried his hardest to get himself under control. This was how it's always been between Isaiah and his wolf. There was no bond between the two. But the one thing, that Isaiah could count on was that his wolf always had his back. Isaiah's precarious past was a testament to that.

Isaiah's thoughts were interrupted by a quiet sound that buzzed in his pocket. He pulled out his phone. "This better be important, Lazarus," Isaiah said, his hot breath puffed in front of him because of the cold.

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