Chapter 2

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“So they actually had to leave you?” Ian asked as we were having lunch. We’ve done this quite a few times – go to lunch, or sometimes dinner, together. It’s not actually a date, I think. “Yup! Some business thing going on.” “Well, will they be home in time for Christmas?” I sighed, “I don’t know. I hope so though.” “Wait, why did you not go with them then?” “I just did not want to go back there. At least not yet, not now.” He looked at me, seemingly baffled by my answer. “Oh hey, there’s this fair in Jersey City next weekend. Grace and I are going, do you wanna come with us?” “Yeah. I’d like that. Wait, do you have relatives in New Jersey?” “No. Most of my relatives are back in the Philippines.” “Oh.”

            The drive to my house was unusually quiet. “You sure you’ll be okay?” he asked. “Yeah! Thank you pala for the lunch. Don’t worry, ako naman manlilibre next time!” I said with a grin. He giggled, “Cute mo talaga! Don’t mention it. I’ll see you soon!” I don’t know why but I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I see him smile or just when I’m about to see him. It’s a whole lot of emotions altogether, and I mean that in a good way. Do you know that feeling when you’re so comfortable with someone that you feel like you’ve known him for so long? Yeah, I get that feeling with him.


            “So, how’s it going with you and Ian?” Dani asked over the phone. “What do you mean me and Ian?” “Duh! Diba you’ve been going out? Dating and those stuff.” “We’re…we’re not.” “Uhm, I’m 100% positive that you are. C’mon, Shin! It’s totally obvious that you like each other. Kapag nga nagdidinner tayo, parang may sarili kayong mundo ni Ian eh. Puro kayo inside jokes, tapos kayo lang nagkakaintindihan sa mga kwento niyo. So, anong tawag mo dun?” “Uhh, friends?” She laughed at my answer, “ewan ko sayo. Sige na. I have to get back to work. Rest well, okay? Call me when you need anything.” “Okay, Dans. Thanks! Bye!”

            Today I decided to stay home as I was feeling a little bit under the weather.  My body felt so sore and I didn’t even do anything unusual the past days. I stayed in bed all day and I felt like I was only getting worse. It’s actually one of those days when you wish you had someone with you. Anyway, I slept for most of the morning and afternoon. It was already getting dark when I woke up. I checked my phone only to see 8 million messages and missed calls from my mom and probably 10 million text messages and missed calls from Ian. After talking to my mom, my phone rang again when I was just about to dial Ian’s number. “Hey!” ”Hi!” I responded in the weakest voice. “Dani told me you were sick and I was horribly worried because you weren’t answering my messages and calls.” “Sorry, I was asleep the whole day.” “By the way, nagdala ako ng pagkain.” “What?” “I brought some food for you kasi for sure, hindi ka pa kumakain and it’s only gonna make your situation worse. So, ano? Iiwan ko nalang ba dito sa labas or papapasukin mo na ko?” he laughed.

            While I did not have much of an appetite, I forced myself to eat what Ian has brought for me. I mean, that is just the sweetest. Is he even for real? “Here, drink this,” handing me the medicine. “Thank you!”

            I woke up the next morning feeling even more horrible. I looked at the clock and found out it was only around 6am. I closed my eyes as I felt my head throbbing. The next I knew, I was by the sink throwing up everything I could throw up, including this flu bug hopefully. Suddenly, I heard someone call my name, but I could not answer. “Shin!” he exclaimed as he saw me in the restroom throwing up what felt like my internal organs. He helped me get back to bed after all that grossness. “I should just bring you to the doctor” he said. “No! Ian, please. I’ll be fine.” He sighed, “Okay.” “I’ll just prepare your food in the kitchen.” He was about to stand up when I held his hand. “Just stay here, please” I said, almost in a whisper. For some reason, Ian brought me some kind of comfort that I’ve been longing for.

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