Chapter 1

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        They say every day is the second chance everyone deserves. Another chance to do better, another chance of likely screwing over. But me? I got a second chance in life – literally. I have the chance to start over, start fresh. The thought of it scares me. I feel like I’ve already done so much in my life, but here I am, trying to build it back. Sometimes I would ask Him why. Why did he send me back? Why do I have to start again and not just pick up from where I left off? But sometimes we just have to realize that what we want is not what God has to us, and that it’s hard but worth it.


            I usually drive to and from work, but whenever I feel like I need some quiet time, I usually commute and go straight to my favorite park before going home. Today is one of those days. I went with my usual route going to the park. I inhaled as I sat down, taking the lovely view of the pond. You see different kinds of people here, and you can hear kids laughing which I find totally cute. I would love to have a kid or two of my own someday.

            After spending sometime there, I finally decided to go home. As I was walking, something interesting happened. “Mommy!” some little girl shouted in her tiniest voice. For some reason I turned around and found her running after me. I was so confused. “Mommy!” she said again as she hugged my leg. When she did that, I felt something inside. Something that I shouldn’t feel, or should I? I liked it – when she called me mom. I knelt down and faced her. She’s probably about 3 years old, she has these beautiful brown eyes, the chubbiest cheeks, and lovely hair with curls that fall right onto her shoulder. “Are you lost, hon?” I asked. “No” and shook her head. “Then who are you here with?” “Mum” she said. “Your mom? Where is she?” I asked. She didn’t say a word but instead she held my face and said “Mum”. I sighed, “No, sweetie. I’m not your mom. But we better go look for her, okay? She must be extremely worried. C’mon!” I stood up and held her hand, but she didn’t want to go. I knelt down again, “Mommy!” and she hugged me. “Grace!” I heard someone shout. Some guy, still in his business suit, coming towards us. He looked extremely worried, but there was a hint of relief when he saw us. He grabbed the child and hugged her, “Don’t ever do that again, okay? Don’t ever leave daddy’s side” he said. “Okay.”

            “So sorry about that” he apologized. I smiled, “That’s okay.” “And thank you for finding her.” “Oh no, she found me.” “Dad, look! Mommy!” the girl said, but her dad ignored her. “We have to go. Thank you, again!” “Of course.” The girl was protesting as they walk away. “No! I don’t wanna go! Mommy! Mommy!” she kept shouting and crying. I just stared as they walk away, but I felt pain.

            “Hey! How was your day?” my mother asked as she saw walking towards her in the kitchen. I gave her a kiss on the cheek, “Interesting. Where’s dad?” “He went golfing with Ray.” “Oh. Anyway, I’ll go change.” “You better, dinner’s almost ready. Before I forget, someone sent you flowers again. Nilagay ko na sa room mo.” “Again?” I sighed and went ahead. “One day more” was the message that was always written on the card. This has been going on since we moved here in New York. Every Friday, a bouquet of red roses would be delivered to our house. Apparently, it’s addressed to me but the delivery guy wouldn’t tell us who it’s from. I’m surprised my parents aren’t even alarmed.

            “Don’t you ever wonder who’s sending these roses?” I asked over dinner. “No, I think it’s really sweet though” my mom says. “But ma, it would only be sweet if I know who’s sending them. Not like this. I mean, it’s freaky!” “Ikaw naman, judgemental agad? He probably does not have enough courage yet para magpakilala sayo. Or baka kilala mo na, nahihiya lang magsabi.” “Whatever! It’s freaky. Anyway, I will be having dinner with friends tomorrow ah, maybe have a little drink.” “Sure. That’s good! It’s good that you’re doing really well here.” “Sabi mo nga diba? Fresh start,” I smiled.

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