“Do I look bad, maybe I should change?” she said looking at the dress and back up at me

“Haley, don’t you dare you look beautiful as always” I said walking over to her holding her hand and taking her to the car. Once we were in the car Haley looked at me

“Alright, Clifford where are you taking me”? She asked, I just looked at her smirking

“That gorgeous is a surprise like I said” I told her driving out of the drive way and off to the party I’ve planned for her.

 - - -

I pulled up outside of a club that we always go too when we celebrate something or just feel like partying. Haley looked at me annoyed

“Michael, no you know I can’t drink I have work tomorrow; the last time I got drunk I ended up almost getting fired and the kids were worried about me” she told me

“I know babe, what if we made a pack even though I love getting drunk but just for tonight I won’t drink”

“Michael are you sure you can handle it”?

“Yes for you I will try, now let’s get going” we both got out of the car walking to the club.

 - - -

We were walking hand in hand making our way towards the entrance; I stood in front of the doors and soon opened them revealing all our friends surprising her.

“SURPRISE” They yelled, I looked at Haley who had a huge smile on her face seeing everyone. She looked at me still smiling

“Michael, you did this”?

“Yes but of course I had help from some people you may be happy to see” Haley was confused but I noticed her best friend running up behind her giving her a surprised hug.

“Happy Birthday Haley” Haley turned around seeing her best friend since college, her name was Paige and she ended up getting married to my best friend Ashton and has a two year old named Aaron.

“Paige but how did you”?

“I paid for their flight” I said interrupting them, Haley turned around giving me a hug but she pulled away from me.

“Wait what do you mean their flight”? Before I even spoke, my other best friend Luke ran up behind her tapping her on the shoulder and he said in a deep voice

“Happy Birthday Haley” Haley turned around seeing Luke and everyone else that we went to college with.

“Oh my gosh, Michael paid for all of you”?

“Well he is rich, after being a successful music producer” Naomi who was Luke’s girlfriend said giving Haley a hug.

Everyone was having fun later that night dancing on the dance floor, Haley hasn’t really had a night off since getting the job down at the dance studio near us and I’ve been busy with being a music producer which was a surprise to everyone since they thought I would be doing nothing with my life but I showed them. Haley was dancing with her friends as I just stood and watch I wasn’t the best dancer and I sure wasn’t going to dance with my wife who is basically a professional dancer. Haley walked over to me wrapping her arms around me

“Stop being a party pooper and dance with the birthday girl”

“What’s the point when you’re going to show me up”?

“Michael Gordon Clifford, dance with me”

“You’re so darn cute when you’re mad” I said smirking, Haley was about to answer until the music stopped. We all looked at the stage seeing Naomi up there with the microphone

“Everyone take your seats” Haley took my hand and we walked over to our seats, Naomi came up with the ideas of speeches which I didn’t want but everyone agreed and by everyone I meant the girls. The girls had a speech making Haley laugh and smile a bit then they decided it was my turn but I shook my head but Naomi gave me the microphone. I got up walking over to the stage thinking of something

“Woo, go Michael” Calum yelled out, I rolled my eyes putting my thumbs up

“Thanks for that Calum and thanks Naomi for making me get up here, it feels like the wedding all over again because some of you may know I suck at speeches but that was a long speech I’m going to make this short; now I don’t really know where to begin Haley I actually can’t believe your  twenty five years old because seriously sometimes I think you’re a kid but I listen I love you Haley since I met you and still crazy about you and yeah Happy Birthday beautiful hope you have a great night” everyone clapped for me as I put the mic back where it was.


“Calum”! Haley said laughing, the music played again I sat down next to her looking at her.

“It was crap wasn’t it”? I asked her

“No it was lovely Michael” she said wrapping her arms around my neck giving me a kiss to make me feel better about my crappy speech.

 - - -

Haley and I were putting the presents in the back of the car while walking with everyone.

“So how long are you guys in London for”? Haley asked turning to them

“Well I think we’re all here for two weeks and then we go back home” Luke told them putting an arm around Naomi

“So looks like we have time to hang out like old times” Paige said smiling, Ashton walked over with his arm around Calum and Calum’s girlfriend Brooke which everyone was hoping was Calum’s future because Calum was the player and couldn’t keep a girl for more than 6 months but they have been dating for almost a year.

“Paige, hun we have to head back to the hotel to pay the babysitter and see if Aaron is okay”

“Don’t worry Ash were going and plus stop worrying the babysitter is looking after them” Paige turned giving Haley a hug telling her that they will have a girl day before leaving London and they soon left and so did Calum and Brooke leaving Luke and Naomi with us.

“Well thank you for a great night, surprised that you didn’t get drunk Michael” Luke said

“Well I promised Haley I wouldn’t drink and I keep my promises”

“Well you guys enjoy the night don’t get too wild, Happy Birthday Haley” Luke said getting in the car with his girlfriend

“Thanks Luke” Haley said, Luke pulled out of the car park driving back to their hotel.

 - - -

We were driving in the car on the way home listening to the radio and hearing Haley sing which was cute. We stopped at the traffic lights and Haley looked at me holding my hands

“Thank you for an amazing night”

“Anything for you beautiful” I said smiling at her

“So what was that present that Calum was talking about” Haley said winking at me

“Oh he was joking around” I told her feeling my cheeks get hot, Haley took her seatbelt off leaning towards me

“Well I wasn’t” Haley leaned in giving me a kiss, the taste of her lips on mine were always so nice and left me wanting more. But I just didn’t know this was my last chance of kissing those perfect lips for a while, the corner of my eye I noticed a bright light coming to quickly, soon hitting the back of the car and that’s when everything went black for me the rest well I didn’t know what happened. 

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