Chapter 07 | Onii-tan!!

Start from the beginning

       Kasuka paced out, since he couldn't breathe from all the running, but Hikaru was too pumped up to stop now, playing Catch is her number one favorite game.

She frowned as she look at exhausted Kasuka, "Kasuka-kun, don't stop now!"

Kasuka was sweating and just had enough, "You go play with brother, I-I'm too tired to move."

       When Shizuo saw the two down the hill, he smirked evilly, "Found you two."

      Hikaru squealed when he saw his scary face, she ran quickly, away from Shizuo, not noticing that she isn't in the park anymore. Shizuo was fast, but his feet were tired and he needed to rest. He paused, taking in a deep breath, but Hikaru teased him, putting her tongue out and laughing.

"Catch me if you can, Shizuo-kun~"

       Shizuo glared at her, as he pull himself together, creating a massive pressure, he yelled out loud.


Is it normal for a ten year old and a twelve year old too play such childish games? It is yet another subject. But they didn’t mind their age, as long as you can run, you can still play.

Her running feet didn't stop, until--

She stumbled on a rock clumsily and fell, leaving a red mark on her knee, "Ow..."

       She felt sweat running down her cheek, and pain running into her. Her eyes watered as if it was a bucketful of water, she whimpered helplessly, "S-shizuo-kun!"

       No one replied, but the only thing she could hear was the sound of trees, the wind rushing and leaves falling. It was autumn so the leaves were brown, yellow and orange, it fell onto the surface.

She held her tears back as she remembers Shizuo's words.

'Crying are for babies!'

Hopelessly she repeated calling out for help and soon, her prince arrives. . .

       Shizuo's dark chocolate brown eyes met hers, he saw the pain in her eyes, and it crushed him to see her holding back the pain. He ran to her and helped her up, but failed because of her weak knee and ankle.

"A-ah! Shizuo, be careful! It hurts!"

       He bit his lower lip as he lifts her up like a baby, carrying her once again, "Geez, what happened to you? I followed your cries for help and here you are, like a baby. You're hopeless, kid."

"You talk like you're not a kid." She puts her tongue out once again and laughed. He loved how she would smile at hopeless times; it gives him that little hope.

His heart would immediately jump or beat whenever he sees her.

He smiled and begins to walk while she rests her head on his warm chest.

       "You're an idiot." He murmured as his soft lips presses her temple. He had to admit, he was worried sick that he might not find her. Shizuo shrugged it off and held her close; she would look away and hide her blush, like she would always do.

"Shizuo...” She calls out for his name, getting his attention.

"What?" His left eyebrow rose.

       "If there comes a day when we can't be together...remember that..." She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her, "I'll always be here. In your heart."

       Shizuo's heart raised almost as if it was going to pop out, he knew that it wasn't like her to hug him. He blushed and turned red, "You're so cheesy. I can smell it."

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