After the way she tried to give me a heart attack yesterday, her shyness tonight is baffling.

"Go ahead, let Alex help you."

Layla smiles and nods and I wrap my right hand around the handle. She wraps her tiny fingers around the wicker and I lead her down to the fire pit. Maggie and Bryce follow us with the baskets of chocolate, graham crackers, and wet wipes and napkins.

"This can be the snack blanket." I point to the green one since it's the smallest of the four blankets and Layla and I set down our basket of marshmallows. Bryce and Maggie do the same with the other three.

"This is a really cute setup." Maggie smiles.

"Thanks," I say.

We head back toward the house and I grab Bryce's arm.

"What?" he asks.

"Can we talk?" I whisper.

"I guess. Is everything okay?"

I nod and follow Maggie and Layla up the steps to the deck and in through the sliding glass door to the house. A warm smell of cinnamon and chocolate fills the air.

"Is that hot chocolate?" Maggie asks.

"Yeah, could you actually grab a thermos from that cabinet? Or three?" Mom asks with a laugh as she points to the cabinet above the fridge.

"Of course."

"Come here." I grab Bryce's sleeve and pull him out of the kitchen while our moms are occupied. I lead him down the hall and into my room and I close the door behind us.

"Is this the part where the other girls pop out and I get gang raped?"

"Funny." I roll my eyes.

He laughs and I shake my head.

"Johnny's coming tonight."

"That your boyfriend?"

I nod. "Please don't tell him I was running errands with you yesterday."

"I won't, but what exactly would happen if I did?"

"Bryce, I'm serious!"

"I promise, I won't tell him. I'm just curious."

"He'd flip out and probably try to fight you and he'd definitely dump me for it."

"Alex, why are you with him?"

I don't say anything.

"Do you not know why?"

I shrug.

"He doesn't hit you, does he?"

"God, no."

"Alex, I'll kill him if he ever lays a finger on you."

"He doesn't."

"It needs to stay that way."

"We better head back before our moms notice we're gone," I say.

He nods but I can tell he doesn't want this conversation to end just yet.

We make our way back to the kitchen and I see that every thermos has been filled with hot chocolate and is ready to go out.

"There you two are." My mom points out.

"Alex, Layla has something she wants to tell you." Maggie smiles.

"Okay." I smile and bend down to her level.

"You're really pretty," she says quietly.

"So are you." I grin.

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