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Ik I've been quiet (I've been working on something 😉) but I wanna get everyone's opinions on this, this is a Judgement free zone. As a bisexual girl (She/Her pronouns) I feel like i relate to some of the characters who are inexplicitly Bisexual *cough* Harry James Potter *cough*. Sorry, something stuck in my throat.

What imma do is I'm gonna share my opinions for each character and let yall comment your opinions too.

In we dive

Tom Riddle/Voldemort, Asexual. It's canon lads, stop trying to make him straight. He physically cannot love someone

Harry Potter, Bisexual as fuck (you can't tell me otherwise)

Ron Weasley, straight (sorry but the only male he would bang is Viktor Krum)

Hermione Granger, Bicurious but ultimately straight. (She defo snogged Ginny to try it but decided nah)

Ginny Weasley, Bisexual (You can't tell me other wise)

Neville Longbottom, either Asexual or Straight.


Draco Malfoy, Gay as fuck. (No comment)

Crabbe & Goyle, both straight

Pansy Parkinson, Straight/Bicurious

Fred Weasley, Straight

George Weasley, Straight

Percy Weasley, Straight

Charlie Weasley, ACE KING but maybe Biromantic idk

Bill Weasley, Bi fucking sexual

Tonks, Bisexual and Non-binary

Oliver Wood, NOW, I could go three ways here. He's either Gay, Ace or Bi but he cared more for Quidditch so 👀

Marcus Flint, Gay (For Oliver lets be honest)

Angelina Johnson, Straight

Katie Bell, Straight

Alicia Spinnet, Bisexual

Lee Jordan, Straight as can be (And a Simp for Angelina lets be honest)

Dean Thomas, Gay (He was Closeted when he was With Ginny okay)

Seamus Finnigan, Gay (Tell me otherwise)

Cedric Digory, Bisexual

Cho Chang, Straight

Fleur Delecour, Straight

Viktor Krum, Straight (Simp for 'mione)

Marauders era

James Potter, Straight but snogged Sirius when he was drunk all the time

Sirius Black, Gay (Wolfstar is real okay)

Remus Lupin, Bisexual King

Peter Pettigrew (Man i love saying his name istg), Straight

Lily Evans, Straight but bicurious and snogged Mary 100%

Mary Mcdonald, Bisexual (She definitely enjoyed snogging Lily)

Dorcas Meadowes, Lesbian

Marlene McKinnon, Lesbian (Power couple with Dorcas)

Evan Rosier, Bisexual (Idk just a vibe also i wanted to write about him and made him Bi so in my head he's bi)

Wilkes, Gay (Him and Evan were 100% dating when they were killed)

Avery, Straight

Mulciber, Straight


Severus Snape, Straight as fuck

Minevra McGonagall, Bisexual queen (Bro i love one queen)

Albus Dumbledore, I'm conflicted because in FBCoG he fits well as Gay but like in the HP series i can't see it.

Horace Slughorn, Straight

Pomena Sprout, Straight

Filius Flitwick, Straight (I acc really love the Headcanon that him and Sprout had a thing going.)

Idk I've probably forgotten important characters, feel free to add them

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