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Where to start.

Y'all know I adore the Weasleys. (I am attracted to Gingers, yes, but even if I wasn't, they'd still be my faves)

Let's go from the top.

Arthur Weasley
If you don't like him, please leave (Same goes for the rest of the Weasleys tbh).

Arthur is great. He gives everything for his family. He is SO sweet.

When Harry turns up in Chamber of Secrets, he doesn't for a second say "we can't afford to keep harry here" despite knowing that they struggle to afford the 7 mouths he's already feeding. Of course, he's used to 9 mouths to feed but with Bill and Charlie living away from home it's down to 7.

Whenever I'm feeling down i just think, "Imagine how amazing Arthur Weasley would think you are because you can use a toaster." and, that to me, says a lot about Arthur.

Molly Weasley (Née Prewett)
Okay Molly snaps. Like damn I would not want to get on the wrong side of her. We don't see it in the movies (Boo) instead we're shown this perfect mother and I'm like nah. With 7 kids she'd snap.

Molly isn't my favourite Weasley (Do not kill me, okay)
I love her but I just think she's a little overbearing.
The way she complains about how Bill dresses and forces Charlie to have his hair cut. I don't like it. I'd have my own mothers head if she tried to cut my hair to a length she wanted it. That's a big no.
And the way she assumes Fleur will want to break up with Bill because of his scars.
She's problematic but she is a good character, most the time.

I could go deeper into that but I won't for now.

William Arthur Weasley
Bill!! My man! My favourite Curse-Breaker.
I adore Bill.
I play Hogwarts Mystery so I have a lot more of a view on his personality and honestly he's the cheekiest lil fuck there is. He's sarcastic and actually really enthusiastic about breaking school rules even though he's prefect and eventually Head Boy. *tut tut*

Not only that he marries Fleur. A half Veela badass (I do have other opinions on her but thats a whole other story). Also, Domhnall Gleeson *Chefs kiss* would not recast him at all

Charles Weasley
I have A LOT of opinions on Charlie. All of them pure because our Ace King is pure as.
Firstly I feel he's Asexual Biromantic. I say that because of Hogwarts Mystery. Idk if that's Jam City just giving the Fangirls what we want but he also says things like "who's got time for dating when there's so many dragons to study" (or something along those lines). Also *spoilers* whilst MC is up in the air and states that they're enjoying the view, Charlie proceeds to say "Yeah me too" whilst looking up. Like ExCuSE yOu chARLIE. 
Proof of this (creds to the original owner)

 Proof of this (creds to the original owner)

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Charlie in my opinion is also Autistic. (That might just be me with my autism speaking though). HE DOES NOT SHUT UP ABOUT DRAGONS. Dragons therefore are his special interest. He literally compiles loads of shit on Dragons and then quizzes you on it. (legit me with Harry Potter). Not only that, he comes across as someone who only pays attention to something they enjoy (Magical creatures, Dragons, Quidditch) and invests all his time in those specific things. 

That my friends is why Charlie is the best Weasley. Good day.

He'll get his own chapter at some point lets be honest.

Percy Ignatius Weasley
Everyone's least favourite. Understandably.
From the second we meet Percy he's a bit of dick. Understandably, he has Fred and George teasing him all the time so him being a dick is kinda a product of being bullied by his own siblings.
He's pretentious, definitely. Who else shoves it in everyone's face that they're a prefect.
He owns up to his mistakes in the end. I know it's for one book but he owns up to the mistakes.
That doesn't excuse making Molly cry. He's definitely not a good character but at least he got a redemption arc.

Fred and George Weasley
Uh, hurt these beans and you're dead, okay. Yeah that's right I'm looking at the death eater that killed Fred.
I'm a George girl ngl but i adore the twins
They're comedy relief but they can be serious and I love that.
Hate the fact that Fred died laughing whilst making up with Percy (that hurts)
The whole Angelina situation is a bit wild. People who say Fred dated Angelina, they didn't he took her to the ball as friends. And personally I feel like George and Angelina falling for each other took a while. Like I Headcannon Angelina as a professional Quidditch player who stays in touch woth George and as he begins healing, their friendship eventually blossoms into a beautiful relationship with two kids, Fred II and Roxanne. I don't think it's that weird. They practically grew up together.

Ronald Bilius Weasley
Well, where do I start. 
I'm not a massive Ron fan. Gonna get that out there.
I think he's an asshole to begin with. Like the first three books, He's an ass who sometimes shows he can be a good person.
It annoys me that he gets annoyed that Hermione went to the Yule Ball with Viktor. If he wanted to go to the ball with her, he should have got off his ass and asked her. He's really petty in holding it against her because he should have asked her. Hermione is definitely not a second choice and I was so glad when he finally  saw that.  
Movie!Ron annoys me more but that's because all his good parts are given to Hermione and that irks me even more.

Yes, Ron will have his own chapter at some point ngl

Ginevra Molly Weasley
This will cause arguments ngl
Book!Ginny is good, I like book!Ginny. HOWEVER, I think she is a complete bitch to Fleur. There I said it, The Weasley women were utter shite to Fleur and I hate them for it.
Book!Ginny is badass, yes. Would I cross book!Ginny? No. 
Hinny is badly written. Getting it out there. Harry and Ginny are good together BUT the build up to their relationship, I hate it. Also I hate that Ginny supposedly let Harry call their second child Albus Severus. I refuse to believe she agreed to give their second child Severus as a middle name.  Arthur, Remus, Fred, Dean, Seamus, Neville, Bill, Charlie, Colin. All influential people in Harry's and Ginny's life. COLIN REMUS POTTER. THAT I CAN GET BEHIND. That's Albus' new name lads. 
Not gonna speak about Movie!Ginny because fuck the writers for that. Bonnie was a great casting choice, she fits the description of Ginny BUT the writers took all Ginny's personality and shat on it. It's criminal.

In short, Charlie is the best Weasley, end of.

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