Chapter 1 : Curiosity made the monster

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It was a lovely spring day on the beautiful Island of Patch. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, and two children with their friend were annoying the ever-loving fuck out of their parents as they drove.

Ruby : "Are we there yet?"

Taiyang : "No."

Yang : "Are we there yet?"

Summer : "No dear."

Ruby : "Mooooom? How much longer is it going to take?" She said in a whiny voice.

Summer : "The park is about half an hour away darling."

This elected a annoyed groan from the two sisters while the boy just sat awkwardly between them in the middle seat. That boy was (Y/N). You had been invited by your friend since elementary school , Ruby, to come with her family to a park picnic. You were always the quiet, kind and shy boy in class, which gave off this timid-little-bunny type of vibe to everyone. Which means that they would always wanna protect you. Which is fine by itself, but sometimes it can get a bit overbearing.

But you found comfort with someone who suffers from the same thing as you, your best friend Ruby Rose. Since the two of you share the same type of personality, you've became fast friends and had known each other for many years now and are now both going to Signal academy. You both thought that the 'overprotective problem' would be gone once the two of you started attending there. But it only worsened since now Ruby's dad and sister can keep tabs on the both of you during school.

You were currently fidgeting as you sat in between Ruby and Yang. This being noticed by the more developed blonde

Yang : "~Oh? Are you not used to sitting next to a beautiful young lady (Y/N)?" She said as wrapped an arm around you. You blush when you she pulls you closer and your head rests on her breasts.

She liked to do things like this. To her, you were like the younger brother she never had. Ever since Ruby brought you to her house one day to play she had taken a liking to tease you whenever she got the chance. But the reason for your fidgeting was a lot more simple and primal.

(Y/N) : "Uhhh... Mr X-xiao Long?" He looked at you in the rear view mirror as he drove when he hear you call him.

Tai : "What's up little man?"

(Y/N) : "Can we stop? I really got to go" You say as you feel yourself ready to burst.

Summer : "What? But we told you all to go before we left." She says as she looks over her shoulder at me.

(Y/N) : "But I didn't need to go then." Ruby gives you a sympathetic look and pats you on the shoulder.

Ruby : "I know that feeling..."

Tai sighs as he drives until he finds a save place to pull over. Once you have relieved yourself in a nearby bush, you get back into the car.

(Y/N) : "ahhhhh....Much better."

Tai : "Does anybody else need to go?" He asks and is only met with silence

Tai : "You guys sure?" He looks at everybody

Yang : "Yeah c'mon guys! Speak now or forever hold you pee-ace" She says as she puts on her shads and points finger guns. All of us except for Mr Xiao Long groan at the terrible pun.

Tai : "Eyyyyyyyyy" He responds with finger guns of his own. Mrs Rose just face palms.

Summer : "Please don't encourage that sweetie."

The Incarnation of Evil (RWBY X Janamba Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang