Chapter 1 "Signal From A Far"

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Steven's POV

Beach City, a place where gems and humans live together. It's also my hometown. It's also known for it strange happens, which are usually cased by me and the Crystal Gems. But this last week has...has been a bit different...

Steven: "Hey Peridot, did you figure out what's causing all the T.Vs to go static?"

Amethyst: "Yeah, Peri. Did you fix the T.V yet?"

Peridot let out an annoyed sigh, but considering that she has been working on it for a makes sense.

Peridot: "So far, I can only tell that the signal is from some sort of gem tech. *Sigh* but it seems that the signal is so weak that it can't full show the message."

Me and Amethyst both sigh, it would be alright if it was only our TV but it was effecting all of Beach City. I wanted to know who was sending this message and wh-

Peridot: "*screams* STUPID HUMAN TECHNOLOGY!!!!"

Before me and Amethyst could stop her, Peridot pulled out a wrench and slammed it into the side of the T.V. resulting in the T.V shutting off and smoking a bit.

Amethyst: "Dude, what's your problem!?"

Peridot turned around with a face of anger.

Peridot: "the stupid T.V is so old, it was already about to break. You're lucky that it didn't break earl- AAAAAHHH"

The T.V started to emanate a bright light, scaring everyone who was in the room at the time. Yet, that wasn't what scared was what the T.V was saying...

???:"*static*....Diamond....*static* Danger.....*static*....Help..."

It kept repeating the message over and over again, even Amethyst seemed nervous. Pearl and Garnet came rushing into the room, and stood there listen to the message. After what seemed forever, Garnet finally spoke.

Garnet: "Peridot, can you track the signal?"

Peridot, who was still shaking, turned to Garnet with a bit of worry in her eyes.

Peridot: "a-are you c-crazy!? If a diamond is in danger, what can we do!?"

Garnet: "Simple, bring them to Beach City and then to Homeworld."

Pearl: "Garnet, do you think that this is really the best idea? What if it's a trap?"

I was about to interrupt their conversation, but someone beat me to it.

Bismuth: "Come on Pearl, where's your sense of adventure."

Steven: "I agree with bismuth, it could be somewhat fun."

Finally Amethyst joined in and practically sealed the deal.

Amethyst: "We are the Crystal Gems, aren't we supposed to help those in trouble?"

Pearl looked around and back at Garnet who had an complexed look on their face.

Pearl: "Garnet, what does your future vision say?"

Everyone went quiet in anticipation, but the response we got... wasn't what we expected.

Garnet: "The thing is.......I can't see what we'll find."

Everyone else: "What!?"

Garnet's future vision has always been able to see different visions of the future.....but this is a first.

Garnet: "but with that, I still think that we should go help them. So Peridot, can you track it."

All of us turned to Peridot, cracking under the pressure, finally submitted.

The Diamond Once Forgotten (Steven Universe x Male Diamond)Where stories live. Discover now