Eggman Attacks and City Escape

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As a certain blue hedgehog ran through the streets at high speed, he took in the sights of his former home.
'It's so beautiful,' Sonic thought as he looked at the restored city. 'It's just like I always dreamed it had looked before the war.'
As Sonic continued to race through the city, he could hear fireworks going off around the city square. It was a ceremony or celebration of some sort.

It was the night of the Festival of the Sun. Not only that, it was the birthday of Princess Sonia and Prince Manic! Queen Aleena and King Jules were away on royal business, so Sonia and Manic had to rule in their stead until they got back.
Fireworks fired up towards the night sky. A large boat came in with Princess Sonia and Prince Manic on board, waving to the cheering crowds. Once the boat docked at a large platform overlooked by a large cauldron. They stepped off and walked towards a statue. One of the hooded figures then brought in a torch and bestowed it to Sonia and she looked at it. After a few seconds of staring at the flame, she then visualized a large blast of fire engulfing Mobotropolis and her floating into the air. She noticed Iblis in the distance emerging from a large crater as it gave a ferocious roar before being snapped back to reality.
"Miss Sonia?"
"It- it's all right," Sonia replied, sweating slightly. Manic noticed his sister's fear and comfortingly placed his hand on her shoulder. Sonia resumed the ceremony. "We give thanks for the blessed flames. May we always continue to have peace. Sun of Mobotropolis, guide and watch over us with your eternal light..."
Sonia lit a flame with the torch, which ignited a frame surrounding a pedestal and finally the large cauldron itself. Everyone applauded while more fireworks were launched into the sky.
Suddenly, several missiles streaked through the sky and impacted several buildings around Mobotropolis, causing everyone to instantly go from celebrating to panicking. Sonia and Manic screamed in shock and terror.
A massive battleship, the Egg Carrier, flew over the cauldron and dropped off large robots (Egg Gunners) around Sonia and Manic and the other figures with them.
Dr. Eggman then appeared in his Eggmobile. The Egg Gunners to the sides of the Eggmobile glanced over as their boss confronted the Mobotropolis sovereigns.
"A pleasure to meet you again at last, Prince and Princess of Mobotropolis," Eggman greeted. "I am Dr. Eggman, or as you remember me, Dr. Robotnik." Sonia and Manic gasped in horror. "I've come here to obtain the secret of the Flames of Disaster from you." Eggman pointed to the green Chaos Emerald that Sonia was clutching in her hand. "And to take the miracle gems that are the keys to its secret... The Chaos Emerald!" Sonia pressed the Emerald tightly against her chest in terror, clutching it even tighter. "Now, Your Majesties. This way, please." Eggman pointed in his direction. He was being strangely polite. Sonia and Manic started to back away fearfully.
Suddenly, a blue wind whipped up in a perfect circle around them, blowing up the robes of the bishop and robed figures with Sonia and Manic. They looked around, puzzled. Their attention was suddenly drawn to a protruding piece of debris as a familiar blue hedgehog came to a stop on it.
"My... That's a pretty snazzy performance there," Sonic remarked playfully. Sonia and Manic gasped in shock. They both visualized Sonic as the way he looked when he was younger, the way he looked when they last saw him; he was even standing in the same position as the last moment they saw him.
"You... It can't be!" Sonia said in disbelief. Sonic smirked in amusement at their reaction. He glanced up and one of the Egg Gunners started shooting at him. He jumped up, easily dodging the bullets. He then dispatched all of the robots with his Homing Attack. He stunned the last one with the energy from his earlier attack which dispelled over it. He lightly nudged it with his foot, toppling it over the edge, which he watched with an amused smirk. He then ran back to Sonia and Manic.
"I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog!" Sonic picked up both of them, causing them to yelp in surprise, and took off.
"Not that irritating hedgehog again!" Eggman growled. "Attack!" The Egg Gunners started to fire missiles at them. Sonia and Manic screamed, clinging to their big brother's neck and shoulders, as some of the missiles impacted dangerously close to Sonic. However, Sonic managed to avoid all of them and escape with his siblings.
Unbeknownst to him, a familiar figure was watching the whole scene from the shadows up on a roof.
"Hmm. So that's why he didn't want to tell us what was upsetting him and ran away," the ebony-furred hedgehog remarked softly, his voice deep and calm. "I'll talk to him about it later." With that, the black hedgehog resumed following Sonic.

"I can't believe you're alive!" Sonia cried.
"Yeah! We thought you were dead!" Manic added.
Sonic chuckled. "Come on, sibs. You should know me better than that." Said siblings chuckled nervously.
"Yeah, we should have known better," Manic muttered. Sonia and Manic looked over their big brother. He had changed. His quills were longer and he had a leaner body. But what stood out the most was his eyes. They had gone from plain black to a piercing, emerald green.
Sonic had noticed that his siblings looked different now too. Sonia's quills had gotten longer too and her eyes had turned the same emerald green as Sonic's. Manic's quills had gotten longer as well; he was leaner too, and his eyes had become the same cobalt blue as Sonic's fur.
Sonic jumped over a canal, only to find the path blocked by more of Eggman's Egg Gunners.
"Sonic!" Sonia and Manic screamed.
Sonic put his siblings down and quickly took down the robots. Before he even had time to catch his breath, Sonia and Manic screamed. He turned around with a gasp. He gasped as he saw that Eggman had captured them with his Eggmobile while his back was turned.
"I'm afraid our little game ends now," Eggman growled.
Sonia managed to free one of her arms. "Sonic! Take this!" She threw her green Chaos Emerald to him. Sonic caught it and looked at it, feeling its Chaos Energy fill him with its power.
"I've got it! And don't worry, I'll rescue you guys!" he said.
"We know," Manic replied.
Eggman scoffed. "It's only a matter of time before it's mine. Until then, you can hold onto it for me!" Eggman fled with Sonia and Manic into the Egg Carrier and left Mobotropolis while Sonic watched it depart.
Sonic turned to get moving, only to come face to face with the Ultimate Lifeform. Sonic gasped.
"Sh-Shadow!" he stuttered.
Shadow stared at him with his ruby eyes for a moment before speaking. "I saw what happened. Dr. Eggman was right; that's something that might be best kept a secret." Shadow bowed respectfully. "If you ever need help, it would be an honor to assist you. I'll let you know if I find anything about what the Doctor is up to."
Sonic smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Shads."
Shadow smiled warmly, then skated off into the city. Sonic then did the same, heading into another part of the city.
Just so you know, this is NOT going to be a Sonadow fanfiction.

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