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117 ;February ;2020As more time passed by I have starten to realize that this really is reality

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17 ;February ;2020
As more time passed by I have starten to realize that this really is reality. The more I think about it, the more determined I am about everything. Maybe, we weren't meant to meet. Maybe fate just wanted to have us apart, far away out of each other's grasp, because that's what life does to you sometimes. Blasts things together and then splits it up, throwing it away, two pieces of light that wasn't supposed to shine together in the same galaxy.

People say that everything happens for a reason but I don't think that way, at least that's not the case for us. We were never meant to meet each other. We were never meant to reach out, grasping for each other's touch. That day when our eyes first locked in each other's, I should have known. I guess it was a mistake, everything, our meeting wasn't destiny, it just happened and I was too naive.

And as fast as love grows it's first leaf, it falls to the cold ground, freezes and then slowly but surely dies.
It feels like I've become a meaningless dust to this world.

If I ever got the chance to go back in time, would I do it all over again? Would I walk up to you? Would I gaze into your eyes at that moment? Would I really give you that warm smile of mine?
No matter how much time it goes I will never forget your beautiful smile and eyes that seemed to carry an entire universe. If I ever ran into you in this entangled world I hope I can walk past you, I'll be strong. You'll be happy if I'm gone, yes I would throw away all those precious memories. Because what's the point when everything ended up miserable, when your starry eyes lost its shine to dozens of tears.

If I ever saw you again, I'll smile because of the memories we once shared , I'll smile because you can finally be happy with me never involving in your life.
I wish I never met you, I wish I could turn back time and make sure to never meet you. If I had never met you then maybe you would be happy and I could be happy too, separated, living life in polar opposite ways. Just the way the world had originally planned for us.

But my heart will forever beat at the sound of your name.
If the universe wants to, if we ever meet in another world, in another lifetime I promise you I'll be better.

21; November; 2017
I could hear the sound of the waves from far away. The blue sea occupying my sight. I started to run, approaching the water. My heart felt at ease. As I gazed out over the ocean I suddenly felt insecure. Since when do I live close to the ocean? I could hear a voice, too familiar to my comfort. I couldn't point out who it was, it sounded like a male. As I was about to turn around to face the person behind me my eyes suddenly split open.

My brother seemed annoyed. "Finallyyyy, mom is really pissed off. I told you that you should avoid staying up too late"
Junghyun kept on rambling as I took up my phone to check the time. Welp, I was going to come up with another excuse to my teacher again.

High school wasn't the nightmare everyone made it up to be, it was worse. Hell would be an understatement. I could go on for hours about my hate about high school. The students were total idiots but compared to the teachers, they were fine. I had one friend, my one and only friend who actually had some senses went by the name jisung. We had known each other for approximately 17 years. I'm not sure how our friendship started, but it usually starts with a hi and then you are best buddies. I wish getting friends was as easy as kindergarten. But at the time being, I didn't feel the need of getting new friends. Having jisung in my life was enough, I was happy with that. With Jisung, my annoying brother, worried parents and my dog Holly by my side, I'll maybe be able to get through this hell-like high school and for the time being that's all that matters.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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