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A/N- thought I posted this yesterday. Turns out I didn't, so double update, x

"Think of the memories you'd like me to see, focus on them and let them flow away from your mind when I remove my wand." Alex nodded and he tapped his wand to the side of her head, with an incantation. She closed her eyes and focused on the terrible year. When she opened her eyes, Dumbledore slowly pulled his wand away from her head, a stream of white trailing out from the end of his wand, and following it into the basin. "Are you ready?"

"Please don't make me watch." She shook her head. "Please? I don't want to relive it again. I'll just sit here."

"Of course." He said. He bowed his head slightly, entering the first memory.

Alexandra sat on the floor in the middle of a bedroom. There was a large four poster bed with shimmery pink drapes around it. There was a fireplace with grates on it and a fluffy black rug in front of it. There was a chair in the corner of a room with dolls and other children's toys and some books. Alexandra had beheaded one of the Barbie dolls in a fit of anger. Alexandra stood up, suddenly, and walked to the door, banging loudly.
"Hello?! Anyone there? I want to go home! Can't I just go home?" There was a crack as the house elf appeared in the room.

"Are you hungry Mistress?" Alexandra turned and saw the house elf with a tray.

"No! I'm not bloody hungry! I want to go home!"

"You are home. You are in your rightful home with your grandfather."

"I don't have a grandfather!" She glared. "Get me out of here!" The house elf simply set down the tray of food and disappeared. "I'm not hungry!" She yelled and picked up the plate throwing it at the door. She glanced at the door and an idea seemed to come to her. She took a hairpin out of her hair and used it to try to pick the lock on her door. She'd seen the twins do it once.

Eventually Alexandra managed to unlock the door. She removed the pin and shoved it in her pocket, before opening the door. Two men stood in front of her and she jumped back.
"Hi?" She tried.

The men led her through so many confusing turns and halls and stopped at a door. They knocked.
"Come in." A raspy voice called and the door opened. The man that had taken Alexandra away from Diagon Alley. "Ah, you must be my granddaughter. It's wonderful to meet you, Alexandra."

"Who are you?" The voice was coming from a chair facing away from her.

"You may call me grandfather."

"You're not my grandfather. My grandparents are all dead."

"Yes, I do believe that's what you've been told."

"I want my mum and dad." She crossed her arms.

"I'm afraid your mother's dead." Alexandra burst into tears.

A few days had past. Alexandra hadn't heard from the creepy voice that claimed to be her grandfather. It seemed finding her way out of her room had been a sort of test, and now she was free to roam. She often found herself in the library, filled with hundreds of books, both muggle and magical.
"Time for bed." One of her guards said. It was all they ever said. 'Time for bed' or 'time for breakfast (or) lunch (or) dinner'.

"I'm not tired." She replied. They looked at each other.

"It's time for bed, little girl." The second guard spoke up more forcibly.

"I'm not a little girl. I'm almost twelve."

"Maybe you'd like to go see your grandfather." The first one said.

"He's not my grandfather." She glared but closed her book and followed them. Once the reached the end of the hallway, she turned to the right instead, and ran away from her guards.

"Shit." She heard one say as they ran after her. She rushed down a grand staircase and tried to run for the door, only to be caught by a third guard she'd never seen before.

"That's enough of that." The guard said.

"You're a woman." Alexandra said in surprise.

"And you're a little girl. So what?" The woman hissed. "Now be a good child and go up to your room."

"It's not my room."

The scene changed again, to a month later. Alexandra was in the library again, this time reading a small black book.
"Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, Regulus Black..." she named aloud. "Peter Pettigrew, Jason Marks," this elicited a reaction out of one of her guards. She looks up with a smirk. "Is that you? Jason Marks?" He didn't reply. She turned to the other guard. "How about you. What's your name?" She looked down at the book. "Cal? John? Massimus? William?" He blinked and tensed. "So Jason Marks and William Wells. You're so loyal to him, and yet if the ministry ever got a hold of this book, you'd go down with him. Hell, he's Voldemort. Maybe they wouldn't be able to catch him, but they could catch you. You'd be on a one way trip to Azkaban. For life." They didn't respond although Jason seemed angry. "When I get out of here, I'm going to remember your names. I'll tell everyone just how loyal you two are. In fact, even if I don't remember all the names in that book, I'll always remember yours." She grinned and walked back to her chair, continuing to read and memorise names. She saw Jason reach for his wand and William stopping him. He almost growled and left the room. Alexandra smiled.

Another few weeks had passed and Alexandra was sitting up in her room. In several fits of anger, she'd managed to destroy most of the bedroom. She'd ripped the drapes off the bedframe, broken all the dolls into pieces that she could throw into the fire through the grate. She'd torn off the pillow covers and bedspread and pulled them as much as she could. Not that she ever managed to tear them apart, but still, it felt good stomping on them. At least it did at first. She sighed, and walked over to the window. They didn't open, and they didn't break either. She looked up at the full moon before turning back to her room. Her mother would be ashamed of the mess. It was the first time she'd thought of her mother since hearing of her death. Determined to make her mother proud, Alex set about cleaning up the room. She picked up the linens and started with the bed.

After a half hour, she was almost done. She was simply missing a pillow cover. She checked under the bed and found it, pulling it towards her. She heard a tear, as though it had been caught in something. Curious, she crawled under the bed, and threw the cover to the side. It was dark, so she had to use her hands to pat the floor. She felt a handle. She lifted it and saw it was more of a trapdoor, leading down into a hole. There were steps though. Moving the lid to the side, she made her way down, and moved the lid back on top of the hole.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now