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Once Snape had finished the potion, he dismissed Hermione, assuring her he'd take it to Alex first thing the next morning. She couldn't get out of the dungeons fast enough.

She went to visit Alex the next day, before classes.
"Did Snape come by?" She asked.

"Yeah, he talked to Madam Pomfrey and left."

"I went to him yesterday, like you asked. Then he used legilimency on me and now he knows everything." A momentary look of panic crossed Alex's face. "But on the plus side, he wants to help. I think. I was too scared to really ask exactly what we were doing, but we made a potion. For you."

"The yellow one?"


"It helped. I think I've got more control, now."

"That's good."

"Madam Pomfrey still won't let me out. I'm going stir crazy."

"Well, I brought along some books from the library. I thought you might get bored."


"I have to go. I've got defense."

"Ugh, stupid Lockhart."

"You haven't even stayed for a full lesson."

"How will knowing his favorite color help me defend myself from the dark arts?"

"That's not what the class is about."

"Defense against the dark arts isn't about defending oneself from the dark arts?"

"About his favorite colour." Hermione sighed. "I'll come see you after lunch, okay?"

"Sure. Thanks." She held up her books.

Madam Pomfrey let Alex out the next day, though she insisted Alex to come back for a checkup at once if she felt the slightest bit ill. She didn't really care. She just knew it was Hermione's birthday and she'd be damned if she spent it in the hospital wing.
"You have to keep your eyes closed." Alex scolded. She was leading Hermione up to the vanishing room. She wasn't yet sure if she wanted Hermione to know where the vanishing room was exactly, hence the cloak and dagger act.

"I swear if I fall on these stairs."

"They won't move, and even if you fall, there's a charm that slows you down the closer you get to the floor."

"I know that! I read Hogwarts: a history. It's still pretty frightening."

"Either way, we're not even using the stairs anymore. We're almost here." Alex said. "Okay, wait here." She stopped Hermione before pacing back and forth until the door appeared. She walked back over to Hermione and led her inside, closing the door. "You can open your eyes now."

"Woah." Hermione looked around. "What is this place? Where did you find it?"

"I'm not telling you." Alex retorted. The room was more of a never ending library. "You can find any book in here. If it exists, it's here. Some texts can't be removed from the room, but most can. It was designed by Helga Hufflepuff. It's supposed to be someplace anyone can find solace and peace. You just simply have to think about what you want and the room should appear."

"It's wonderful."

"You can even pick a few books to read and change the room a little. Browse, I'll show you after."

"You know what? I think I've got enough to read for now." She said, holding up the book Alex had given her earlier as a gift.

"You can read that anytime. But right now you have access to everything. Ancient, forgotten texts. Books you could only dream of reading in your lifetime?" Alex tempted and Hermione started looking towards the shelves hungrily, before snapping out.

"It means everything that you'd share this with me but let's just sit for now." Alex nodded and changed the room. The bookshelves started to vanish and the walls came into view. Two comfortable armchairs appeared, with a blue fluffy rug on the floor and a small table in the middle. Shelves showed up on the wall, with a few of Hermione's favourite books propped up. It was more homely now. Alex pulled a small pouch out of her bag. She unzipped it and opened it to show an assortment of snack, including two cupcakes, one with a candle.

"I got a few things from the kitchens. You can't manifest food here."

"It's so amazing." She looked around. "And the amount of magic-"

"You once wondered where I go when I'm hiding. I come here sometimes. It's equipped for whatever I need or want." Hermione hugged her friend.

"You are the best friend anyone could have. You know that, right?"

"Actually, I'm pretty sure that's you. After everything that happened, I'm just lucky to have you by my side."

"Stop that!" Hermione said. She looked around in awe before slowly sitting down on the chair. She soon sunk in and her eyes widened. "Seriously, how did you find this place?"

"That first quidditch match, last year. I was exploring and... came across it." She said. "So I decided I could come here to get my pranks on the twins ready. I don't think anyone really knows about this place. I asked for some information on the room and there was a book. This room was the only bit that I could read about. The rest is kind of blurry. I think it might be records of other hidden rooms all over Hogwarts."

"You have to show me sometime!"

"Sure. It's one of the books you can't take out of the room, though." Alex reached up to the bookshelves and picked a book Hermione could have sworn wasn't there before.

A/N- this chapter's more fluff than content, so ima go ahead and post the next one too.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now