13. Ba Sing Se p.2

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I always get really annoyed if writers don't upload so I will really try my best to write a lot of stuff in the car but luckily this story is almost done so yeah.

Nobody's POV

'I am pretty sure your plan failed' lauged Azula. 'So dad are we going to kill them all except for the avatar?' 'Sounds like a plan to me' said Ozai. 'But that is not our deal' said Aang angry 'I always lie so you would expect me to keep the promise? She laughed evily.  'Grab him' shouted Ozai to the guards. In no time Aang was surrounded by guards. 'If you move, your friends will tortured to death' treathened Ozai.

As everybody was focused on Aang, Katara slowly freed herself from the ropes tied around her wirsts and next she made from water ice and used that to cut all her ropes.

Katara's POV

I used the water of the lake next to us to strike down all the guards who had surrounded Aang. And Aang responded inmediately as he ran to Azula to smash the knife out of her hands. I froze all the guards who surrouned the kyoshi warriors, Toph, Sokka, Mai and Zuko and cut all the ropes.

Nobody's POV

Azula and Aang then began fighting, as Azula protected Ozai with her body. The rest of team avatar made sure the guards stayed away from Azula and Aang. And Katara evantually tied Ozai with ice ropes. Zuko, who saw Aang was having a hard time avoiding lightning, ran over to help him. He came at the right moment because Azula was about to throw a huge lightning flash at Aang (i am really bad in describing fight sorry tho). But the lightning hit Zuko as everybody looked shocked, even Azula and Ozai. Zuko knew what he had to do so he reflected the lightning, he looked a moment at Azula and decided he could never kill his own sister and then pointed his fingers to sky. Aang seized the oppurtinity to make sure Azula was stuck in rock, as he did with Ozai when he took his bending away in the fight. Everyone turned silent and looked at Aang. 'She is too dangerous to be kept alive' said Zuko. 'You can take her bending away right?' said Suki. 'Can everyone please be silent' screamed Sokka. Sokka walked up to Aang. 'Her aura is too powerfull, as mine is not anymore that is why I cannot take her bending away' said Aang. 'Not anymore?' 'The last time my love for Katara was mutual and stronger than Ozai's aura, but after what happend, I am not sure anymore' ' I am pretty sure that it is maybe even stronger than before' Sokka answered. Aang looked over to meet Katara's eyes who looked back with big loving worrying eyes. Aang nodded 'I think you are right'. He walked over to Azula and went into the avatar state. All the guards looked terrified and so did Ozai and Azula since they were powerless. Aang slowly walked over to Azula and touched her forehead and heart. This was easier because Azula was not mentally stable (relatable tho). For a 15 year old Azula looked really strong from the outside but was one mess from the inside. After some seconds Aang overmasterd Azula while everybody looked at them. The moment Aang was done with Azula, the wall broke open again. 'I am sorry Lord Ozai, I will never be late again, please don't kill me' everybody looked over and saw Toa. 'O I guess I am too late, I am so sorry firelord' Toa was about to run away, but Katara turned him around with her water arms while tears streamed over he face 'YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE' she yelled as she pushed him onto the ground. She made from water ice shards ready to pierce him. Zuko was quick to react and stopped Katara. 'Don't take revenge. First let him explain.' It was silent for a moment until Katara yelled 'EXPLAIN YOURSELF, WHY DID YOU FOLLOW OZAI, AND FORCEFULLY KISSED ME!' Toa, eventhough being terrified of the skinny and dirty girl who was standing infront of him, said calmly 'Ozai pressured me. He wanted to take my little sister' Zuko looked at Toph and she nodded 'He is not lying' Katara let down the ice shards and passed out.

Great news guys, i have internet connection!!! Hope yall enjoyed this one. I really do not have any talent in writing fights lmao. If anyone has a tips, please leave them!

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