11. the kidnapping

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Soooo the next part enjoy. I think I am going to change the layout so please comment which layout you think is better.


'Hi babygirl, how are you' 'who are you' 'Toa' (the guy who kinda captured Aang and Zuko). He grabbed Katara's arm and she started screaming. Then it hit her, she, herself was the one screaming in her dream. 'Sorry but I have to shut you up babygirl'. He then forcefully kissed her while she tried to break free from his grip.


Katara's POV

As Toa pulled my neck closer I saw somebody standing and looking at us in the corner of my eyes. I focused my eyes on the person and saw Aang, with glossy eyes from tears. He turned around and walked away. I wanted to scream and follow him but Toa's grip was to strong. He finally pulled away and I caught my breath. I was ready to scream again so Aang could hear me, but Toa pulled out a knife. 'If you scream, you will get hurt, understood?' I nodded. He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him into a house. We walked to a table with some chairs. He forcefully pushed me on a chair infront of a familiar man: Ozai. Toa was standing behind me and holding a knife on my throat. 'Get something to drink for our...guest' Orderd Ozai. I did not think twice and bloodbended Ozai to the ground. What I did not know was that Toa was still standing behind me. He let go the drink he got for me and punched me unconscious.

I woke up in a dark cell. I looked around me and saw some bars and guards guarding my cell. My hands were tied together preventing me from bending. I sighed. If I just hadn't drink so much I wouldn't have gone to the restroom and I problably was with Aang. I saddend when I thought about Aang. The hurt flashed through his eyes when I saw him watching Toa harass me. He'd problably think I cheated on him. The sound of heels pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked up and my eyes met Azula. She looked way more put together than when she had the Agni Kai with Zuko.  'Look who is here, isn't it the avatars girlfriend' Azula fake smiled. 'Atleast I can get a boyfriend' I spat back. 'You are playing with fire, honey, or should I say lighting?' 'No need' 'So tell me, what did you do to my father when he was sitting infront of you' 'I did nothing he problably just got some cramps' 'NO HE DIDN'T' 'how would you know fire lor- oh sorry, Azula' I said
Azula was ready to kill me but the guard stopped her. 'Yeah you are right we still need her, you and Aang are going to switch places either you get killed or Aang. But I think it will be you since he wouldn't problably even bother to show up after what happened with Toa' Azula laughed evily 'and i'll be the one to kill you'

Welp, I am sorry for this part but I have to cut lose ends so yeah:(
We stan Katara with her bad bitch energy, period

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