12. Ba Sing Se p.1

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So welcome to the 12th part.

VERY INPORYANT NOTE= I am going on vacation for three weeks. I dont know if I have wifi or internet connection so problably I wont be able to upload the parts for three weeks. I will still write the story though and then try to upload it. But if I don't post for three weeks you problably know why now.

Nobody's POV

The day of the confrontation was approaching and team avatar was preparing.The plan of Katara, Sokka, Zuko and Toph was to look if Aang needed some help while they would stand on the outerwalls of Ba Sing Se. Suki, who was still with Aang saw a hidden message in the letter and she figured out that she was supossed to wait at the outerwall in Ba Sing Se. Suki also decided to reach out to the Kyoshi warriors and sent them a letter to ask them to meet her at Ba Sing Se. Aang was preparing mentally and physically to fight against Ozai and Azula. He trained the most of the time with Suki and the rest of the time he meditated.

Katara's POV

After a few days I started to grow more impatient, when was the day of the exchange? I was really bored and made scenarios in my head that could happen. And everytime a guard walked in to bring me food I hoped it would be Aang to rescue me but ofcourse it wasn't. Would Aang even want to rescue me after what happened?
I heard a voice and regonized it as Azula's voice. 'Yeah we are just letting her stand there tied up so she can't bend' 'with this rope?' 'Yeah we dont have any another rope'. Next a guard came in, untied me and grabbed a new rope to tie me. 'This is your last night here...or alive' he grinned. I gritted my teeth. I knew I was to weak to fight him now so I just let him talk.

I woke up, somewhere in the middle of the night. I was wide awake and couldn't sleep anymore. The ropes were really uncomfortable so I moved  them and eventually the ropes were not as tight anymore. I imaginary facepalmed myself. I could have gotten out of this cell a lot earlier because the guard litteraly has no skills, but that wouldn't help in thid moment. I decided to stay in the cell with my ropes more loose, but not that it was noticable and when the exchange would begin, I could free myself and fight.

In the morning six guards walked in myself and agressively pulled me from the ground. They made sure I could not escape as we walked to the outerwalls of Ba Sing Se. I saw a single figure stand infront of the wall. The guards with Azula and Ozai following lead us to the person. We stopped infront the person and the guards harshly pushed me on the ground. I looked up and met Aang's eyes. He looked shocked for a moment when he saw me, but quickly put on his expresionless face. I would problably be shocked too if I saw myself because I lost really much weight, slept bad and had bruises all over my body.

Nobody's POV
Azula and Ozai stood next to katara and the guards behind them facing Aang a few feet away. Azula laughed as she pulled out a knife and positioned it on Katara's throat. 'So' said Ozai smirking 'you are willing to cooperate with us in exchange for Katara' 'yes'. 'You know she cheated on you right' said Azula. Aang didn't answer instead he looked up to see if the rest of the members of team avatar were already there. 'Looking for you friends Avatar?' Asked Azula 'We welcomed them warmly' she snapped het fingers and the wall broke apart as guards and Sokka, Toph, Zuko, Mai and the Kyoshi warriors walked out with their hands tied.'guess my plan failed' said Sokka

Hope you enjoyed this one

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