Chapter 8: No Escape

Start from the beginning

"We?" Hillary's eyebrows raised. "Do you want to be accomplices?"

"No," Brooke said.

Hillary rose slowly. "Then there is no we."

Alex winced.

Laura and Brooke both rose together. "She needs us," Laura argued.

"I am protecting you both." Hillary turned to the thirteen-year-old. "Alex needs to turn herself in. Unless she wants to tell us exactly what happened."

When Alex remained silent, Hillary pinched the hollow beneath her brow and blew out a breath. "This is bad."

"Don't you think I know that?" Alex cried suddenly. "Don't you know I can't sleep at night, or live with myself for what I've done?"

"Then why haven't you told us until now?"

"Fine. I'm Alex. I shot my foster mom on my birthday." Tears welled in the girl. "Is that what you wanted to hear? How 'bout she killed the only person I ever really loved and was about to go after the others." She was yelling now. "Are you happy now?"

All three of the girls stared at Hillary. 

Alex caught her breath. "It was bad enough I got dumped on you like that. You really expected me to tell you I killed someone, when you didn't want me to begin with?"

Hillary pushed aside the pang of guilt beating in her and stared ahead. 

Laura moved to her and touched her arm. "Mom? Say something."

"I think you girls need to go." She took Laura by the elbow, and put her arm around Brooke, shepherding them and Alex toward the door. "Don't leave Laura's room until I come for you."

"But Mom-"

"No. I need to sort this out with North. We've got a lot to discuss."

Brooke was more forward. "Didn't you hear her? Alex saved-"

Hillary gave her a stern look. I know. 

She shut them from the room and braced against the door. A moment later, her phone alerted her of a text. She crossed to it numbly, checking the two messages that had come in.

Cade: Especially Alex.

And the other when she had not responded....

Cade: Everything ok?

Hillary sank into her chair, rubbing her face.  She cupped her mouth as she gazed at the screen.

Hills: We need to talk.

 Brooke stood in the hall with the other girls, staring at the door that had been shut in their faces. 

"So..." Laura pursed her lips. "That went well."

Brooke and Alex both glared at her.

Laura offered a brave smile. "It could have been worse."

Alex pivoted and stormed off.  Brooke charged after her. "Where are you going?"

"Away from here."

"You heard what Dr. Showman said. We need to go back to the room."

"I don't care. I can't stay here."

Brooke reached for her and caught her shoulder. "Alex, have courage."

Alex rounded on her, a fierce glint in her green eyes. "You try having courage in my place. Don't you know what happens to murderers?"

"You're thirteen. What's the worst that could happen?"

North Oak, Book 1 - BORN TO RUNWhere stories live. Discover now