𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡, 𝐹𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑁𝑜 𝑁𝑎𝑚𝑒

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While waiting she was kinda sleepy so she take a nap and she then fall asleep....after some time....she felt someone is watching her...she opened her eyes and saw a youthful man covered in blood while his knife on the ground. She sit up and look at her watch, it was 2:00 in the morning....she fell asleep while waiting for suho but when she checked her phone she saw a lot of messages and missed call from each member of BTS and suho texted y/n that he will not able to go there because they are going back to busan....She stand up and look at the man.....

Y/n: Are you a killer-

???: Just call me 'psycho'....

Y/n: Why didn't you kill me when I was asleep?

???: Its just fun to watch people sleeping before they die...

Y/n: Ok! Im not afraid of getting killed because there is a big chance I will get killed any minute, second....and blah blah blah.....

???: *grabs his knife and went infront of y/n* I can see fear in your eyes, babygirl....

When y/n heard that nickname....she kick him in his private area making him stumble backwards....Y/n grabbed her backpack and take out her small sharp knife and started to play it with her hands...

???: W-who a-are y-you?!

Y/n: You know.....I dont like being cat called....

???: U-ugh....Y-you p-piece of sh*t!

??? charge at y/n but she just dodge it. She grab her syringe and inject it to his arm making him drop on the floor paralyze.....

???: How dare you! Dont you know what Im capable off?!

Y/n: Name please...*played with her knife*

???: w-what?! N-no!....

Y/n: *put her knife on his neck* How about this? *dig into his neck making him groan* I just ask the simplest thing in the entire world...why didnt you say it?

Hyeon-gi: F-fine!... Kim Hyeon-gi....

Y/n: *puts her knife back to her bag* thanks for the cooperation....hyeon-gi...and by the way are you still learning? You look so young...

Hyeon-gi: Its none of your business....

Y/n: *snap her finger* confirmed! your a psychopath who escape from the mental hospital, right?

Hyeon-gi: H-how did you-

Y/n: I deal with those b*tch...I help them escape and kill them after...

Hyeon-gi: How long I'm gonna be paralyze?

Y/n: Maybe 3 more minutes?

Hyeon-gi: W-what?! Hey!

Y/n: I'm gonna go now....I dont have any business to make here....

Hyeon-gi: I still have to find, my lost bestfriend y/n!

Y/n: *stop in her tracks* y-y/n? *turn around* Lee Y/n?

Hyeon-gi: Yes! I know your coming after-

Y/n: I have y/n under my hands....she wont come back...she told me that all of her friends left her....mean that I'm only her friend...

Y/n drive to a nearby apartment and booked a room for her to stay in....She went to her apartment and locked te door. She look at the big glass of window which making her see the outside of the hotel looks like...She went to her bedroom and just slept not bothering to change.....after some time...she woke up from the sun that is shining from her face. She went to the bathroom and took a long bath and change into a formal outfit because she is meeting someone that she has hated years ago....her outfit...

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