Fifty five

19 1 1

The entire female were defeated by Pam as she was making paper drizzles non stop.

Pam:well that was easy..they are weak as hell....but...are they right? That Fergal is controlled by Bálor...hmmm..

She then fly to Aj and the others.Because all of the sudden she feels that the real Fergal is in deep pain because of too much chakra he is using right now.

At Fergals hideout,
At the hideout,Fergal was breathing faster and he needs to take a break first,his demon paint was a little bit of washed away as this means that he is getting weaker and weaker.

Fergal:oh god...(sighed)what's happening.?

Bálor:someone knows our secret...


Bálor:your soulmate...

Fergal:what! How???

Bálor:find her...

Back to the deva path,
The deva path then saw Pam flying,then he pulls her with his jutsu.

Fergal:universal pull!

Pam:what the?

She was pulled quickly by Fergal and finally Fergal got her.


Fergal:I wanna tell you something..

He then brought her to an alley to ask her about his secrets.

Fergal:do you know my secret...

Pam:secret...what do you mean by-

Fergal:answer me!

Pam:Ferg wha-

Fergal:I said answer me! Yes or no!


Fergal:then what is it..

Pam:Bálor controls you..


Pam:he used make you feel the pain forever..Fergal don't you know that you used up so much chakra..that's because Bálor and the other demons! They wanted you to become dangerous...

Fergal:and that's why I like go...get out of my face..whether you want to help me or's your choice...if not..then go tell aj and the others to pull back...I've got some business to attend to..

He then teleported to somewhere.Leaving Pam feeling worried and nervous.

For the first Pam doesn't wanted to help him anymore.She went to aj and the others to told them to pull back.

Vince was still at the roof sitting on the middle of the roof with Shane and Stephanie while the undisputed era was guarding them.The McMahons were mediating to give all of their chakras to all wrestlers in Stamford.

But suddenly Fergal came to the roof.

Roderick:behind us!

Then the undisputed era looks behind to see Fergal and they were getting ready to fight.

The McMahons stopped mediating and looks behind them slowly.There they saw fergal,looking at them with that purple eye.

Bobby:Six nose piercings and seven studs on each ears..Rinnegan eyes..thats him...

Vince:it's you..

Fergal:it's been quite a while..Vince...the chairman of and I..will have something to discuss.. look different..your face..

Fergal:so you remember my old face eyh... know him?

Roderick:who or what is he???

Fergal:A god..who restores order..

Adam:it seems like he's not in his right mind..

Fergal:Seth Rollins..where is he..

Vince:no one knows..

Fergal:we now have almost all the Championship belts the balance of power between the no longer maintained the's meaningless to continue harboring the universal champion now...

Stephanie:so your target truly is seth Rollins after all

Fergal:the rise of conflicts are imminent the kindling colds of pain are smouldering everywhere and we shall control those pains..if you cooperate with us..we could not be averse to helping you from this state of this wrestling company you ought to have a sense of our strength by now..

Vince:don't underestimate the five great wrestling companies! are only an intruder seeking to destroy the storyline that our predecessors strive so desperately to achieve and to maintain..we will not heed you..

Fergal closed his eyes but suddenly he opens his eyes.

Fergal:Such arrogance!!

But suddenly a huge wind coming from the Rinnegan came out.

Bobby:so much chakra!

Shane:this is the power of the Rinnegan..I've never seen anything like it..I have a bad feeling about this...

Now the wind was gone.

Fergal:what you like to call storylines has only brought pain down upon us all..

Vince:I cannot say that anything the WWE did when you were here was just or correct..but..your actions here are unforgivable..

Fergal:be careful of what you say....this is your final warning from a god..where is seth Rollins..

Well this left Vince speechless


Vince:we will pour every ounce of power that we possess and to bringing you down...I have nothing more to say.. except that you're wrong about one've made a huge error..what you desire shall never have..

Fergal:if you think that the wrestler of WWE can successfully protect Seth from me-

Vince:no! Seth is..stronger than you know....

But Fergal was quiet and closed his eyes,then for 10 seconds he opens his eyes and smiles.

Fergal:Mount is also a place where Kurt angle and Jason Jordan lives and trains yes..then I will linger here no longer..

That's shocks all of them.How did he know???

Adam:how did you know?


Stephanie:(whispers)dad..perhaps..we should let them withdraw so we can fortify our defenses while they're gone..

Fergal then turns his body behind.

Fergal:just one last thing..the chakra you're emitting through your it a counteract my my ability has become known to you has it..however all is meaningless before overwhelming great wrestling companies proved that over the all think of yourselves as the main forces of this wrestling world and push death out of your thoughts...lulled by pain you become shallow if you shall be killed..hatred is what connects this cause and effect..

Vince:quit babbling such nonsense..

Fergal:in battle both sides suffered death..injury and pain..

Vince:we companies have suffered our share of pain! Enough excuses! You can't justify your actions!!

Fergal looks behind them

Fergal:how absurd...

To be continued,
Looks like something bad will happen.

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