Thirty eight

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Fergal all of the sudden was coughing in blood.but turns out he was using too much chakra due to him using the deva path too much,using the shinra tensei every battle etc

Fergal:(coughs badly)

His bishop aj,came inside and saw him coughing in blood,he rushed up to him.

Aj:oh no Fergal!

Fergal was then almost collapsed from his chair and luckily aj managed to catch him.Aj also knew why is he coughing blood because of him using too much chakra.

Aj:you're using too much chakra man..I think you should get a rest while I takeover first...

Fergal:it's ok...I'm fine..(coughs)

Aj:no you're not! You look like you suffered a tuberculosis..

Fergal:I'm ok..yes I'm ok(cough)

Aj:for fuck sake man just take a rest!

Well that shuts Fergal,aj then helped him back to his seat.Fergal took off his demon king headgear and his hair was sweaty as hell and it has grown longer like when he was in NJPW in the year 2009

Aj:your hair is changing...just like when you were back in 2009...

Fergal:Pam...I'm sorry..for disrespecting you..


Fergal:please forgive me..I know you will...

Aj:what're you talking about?

Fergal:I'm not(cough)talking to you aj...I'm talking to myself...

Aj:well you're getting weird right now..I better get going...

He then exits the room and Fergal just went to sleep.

At WWE headquarters,

The wwe superstars were in the boardroom,just then Pam came inside with an upset look on her face.

Vince:ahh Pam..welcome's the Akatsuki? Is there anything going on with them..

Pam:I had enough of this...I don't want to participate this shit....

Vince:why? Is there something bad?

Pam:of course!!!!! Are you out of your mind Vince! You forced me to join them..and now I got kicked out thanks to this bitch here..(at Mercedes)

Vince:what! Mercedes you blow her cover????

Pam:yes and she did..that's why I wanna quit..

Inner pam:so that I could join Fergal back...but I don't know what will be his I better tell all about the secrets of this company...

Stephanie:you know what...Pam you can leave...I can see that she doesn't want to get involved between you and Fergal dad...

Vince who doesn't think twice,just let Pam quits.

Vince:(sighed) can go Pam...

Well she didn't say anything and she quickly exits the room and the headquarters and return back home.

Returns back to home,
Pam returns back to her apartment and after locking the door,she saw a headband on the table,it was Fergals.He forgot to take his headband before he left to the headquarters.

She grabbed it and then kissed it.Just then flex came and touched her leg.

Pam:I know flex...I missed him too....unless...I can call aj....I have his phone number...I need to tell him how's Fergal doing...

She then felt that Fergal was in pain right now and she then calls aj.

It was ringing.until aj just answered.



Aj:Pam...what is it..?

Pam:aj..I want to Fergal ok?

Aj:..........(sighed)....his coughing in blood...

Pam:w-what???? What happened??

Aj:he used too much of his chakra..

Pam:ok...I need to go there...I have some medicines that can helped him..

Aj:no no..why don't you just gave it to me and then I gave it to him...

Pam:no i can't do that...I should gave it straight to matter what..

Aj:(sighed)fine...if he rejects it...well don't come and find I better go..

He then ended the call and Pam grabbed a medicine from the toilet shelf and then grabbed her phone before exiting the apartment and then turned into a paper angel.

Pam:I'm coming Fergal....

To be continued,

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