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A LARGE HAND IMMEDIATELY wrapped around Gintoki's throat, squeezing the man's life out of him as Hijikata leaned in close, jawline more visible than it already is as he clenched his jaw tight, eyes bulging out as he stare him down. "Dipshit."

Gintoki desperately try to breath in air but to no avail, making him make gurgling sounds as he struggled to pry the man's hand off. As if things couldn't get worse, the familiar loud sound of door slamming rang through the room again, revealing the two remaining Yorozuya members.

Gintoki's eyes widened and relief wash over him, he reach a wobbly hand out, almost running out of air. "Sh-Shinpachi...Kagu-Kagura,—" The silver haired man coughed as a harsh punch was sent to his stomach, bending forward at the impact then fell back again when a sword—still in its sheath—hit him in the face, hard.

Gintoki gasped for air when the hand around his throat was gone but before he could hold his slightly bruised neck, another pair of hands were squishing them again.

"Stupid Gin-chan! What did you do to big sis Y/N?!" Kagura shook the man back and forth furiously with Shinpachi hitting his head repeatedly with his own wooden sword. "I'll leave him to you guys." Hijikata said, leaving the guilty man in their hands and for some reason, the two replied in unison. "Yes, sir!"

Sitting down on the side of her bed, the girl noticed how his hard, angry eyes turned the slightest bit soft, though it weren't easy to tell, she saw. "Y/ you really not remember us?" Hijikata find himself stiffening when she leaned back close to the bed's headboard, practically sticking herself to it.

She was scared of him.

His hand hesitantly reached out to her but stopped dead when she flinched slightly, clutching the sheets tightly. The others in the room also halted their movements, watching the two in eerie silence. Even the half-dead Sakata Gintoki.

"Y...You're afraid of me?" Hijikata finally managed to say the words out, he couldn't believe it, he didn't want to believe it, the girl that stuck with him despite all the things that happened forgot him and, is afraid of him. "You..." She gulped, properly and carefully processing the words in her mind before speaking out.

"First thing I see when I wake up is you strangling someone, why wouldn't I be scared?!" She exclaimed in horror before backing away quickly—even though there weren't any more space behind her—somehow, her voice and expression lightened the mood in the dead silent room and the Shinsengumi and Yorozuya find themselves internally sigh in relief when she's still herself, just forgot about their existence, no big deal, Gin-san experienced this before so they know what to do. Yes, they know what to do.

Heaving a tired sigh, Hijikata moved closer, making the girl purse her lips. "That guy over there—who I strangled—is the man that made you like this." He pointed, eyes not going away as it stays on Y/N's features. He watch how her eyes slowly trail to the perm haired man, who in return gave a nervous chuckle and waved.

Her lips were parted before turning into a smile, a smile so innocent and kind that made everyone in the room drop their jaws. "It's fine. I'm sure you didn't mean to, right?"

The room was silent and everyone was stiff, Sougo was the first to move and place his hand on his forehead, heading towards to window and gripping its edge to support himself. "It's no use, she lost her memories and herself. This isn't Y/N-san."

"Who are you disguising as Y/N?! Give Y/N back!" Kondo cried, hands covering his tear filled face.

"Gin-chan look what you've done to big sis Y/N!"

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