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DRAGGING HER FEET across the bumpy road, the girl's lips were dry and cracked, her throat yearning for fresh water to run down them, swallowing was hard since it's so dry.

She tripped, but managed to balance herself. After walking for a few more minutes with no certain destination in mind, her sandal's rope finally ripped, her eyes widened before her body collided with the harsh, dirty ground.

Rubbing her eyes as dusts got in, she move to stand and continued her steps.

Her head hung low as she force herself to walk while trying to keep the broken sandal on her feet, her steps are weak and wobbly, it was no wonder she'd bump into someone.

" where you're going-" The dark green haired boy stopped his sentence as he eye the girl in front of him.

She was wearing what seem like an expensive kimono, but it was a little torn and dirtied.

The sun setting, creating a beautiful orange hue, with some pink and purple adorning it, The girl lifted her head up to look into his cold, sharp deep blue eyes, yet it convey an undercurrent worry.

Her once hollow E/C eyes have just a little light in it now, because of this boy. She didn't know why, but his presence sooth her, because of this boy, she felt like she have finally found a friend after all the things she has gone through.

"You look...bad." He commented, a bit uncertain whether he should've said those to a girl or not. "I know." Her shoulders slumped, looking down on her dirty clothes and a torn sandal.

"What's...your name?" She asks, biting the inside of her cheek, hoping he wouldn't turn his back on her and walk away.

The boy took a good look at her features, smears of dirt stuck on her face, a particularly obvious one on the tip of her nose, her hair was all messed up, dry—again, dirty—and, is that a leaf?

"...Hijikata Toushirou."

"Hijikata..." She felt a little insecure when his eyes scanned over her just now, she must've look bad. "I'm Y/N." Hijikata's brows raised. "Just Y/N?"

She nibble on her lower lip, "Well...[L/N], [L/N] [F/N]."

Hijikata's eyes widened a fraction. [L/N]...? Isn't that the noble with a successful company?

"Yea, [L/N]..." As if reading his mind, Y/N answered. And before he could ask anything else, she answered again. "I was disowned." She spoke quickly, not wanting to be reminded by what happened two days ago, she could already feel the tears well up.

Hijikata let out a simple 'Oh.', so she got cast out just like him.

He didn't know what to do, what's he going to do with a lost girl? She look around his age...probably a year or two younger.

"Can I-"

"Do you-"

They stopped, letting each other speak first, but no one did, so Hijikata ought to do it first.



Letting out a frustrated sigh, Hijikata's fingers went to his hair tie and adjusted it, loosening it a little, it was tight anyway, his ponytail moving along.

"Do you want to come together with me?" He finally get to ask, a little nervous on the inside, he hope she wouldn't interpret it the wrong way.

"I was...going to ask if I can follow you." Y/N replied sheepishly, a small, awkward laugh emitted from her.

Hijikata turned, looking over his shoulder and nodding for her to come over. "Then come on."

"This is because of you, all because of you!" The raging women screamed as she threw a vase at her child, the whimpering girl was barely able to dodge it.

"Stop, please! [L/N]-san!" A boy cried as he ran into the room, arms wrapped around the girl's figure. "Get away!" The women screamed once more—

Y/N shook her head, she look up to the boy beside her, his ponytail waving side to side as he walk.

She found a friend.

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