I got caught by Daddy

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Guys help me Daddy caught me 😭 help Daddy put me down let go of me

No you got caught so you get kisses

Daddy you know I don't like kisses

Yah I know that

Then put me down

No I need you to kiss me back then I'll put you down

Daddy your being so unfair 💔

No I'm not your the one who got caught 😂

Daddy I didn't get caught when I got in my room you picked me up so let me go now

No I'm not letting you go

Why............put me down Daddy

Evie:I told you that you were gonna get caught

No you said that I would get caught by mommy not Daddy

Evie:so what still the same thing

Not the same thing Daddy tell her that it's not the same thing

Its not the same thing Evie


Evie:whatever I'm leaving byeeee

Bye poopy Evie ahaha

Evie:wtf you little brat

Daddy Evie called me a brat

Evie:cuz sometimes you can be a little brat

Carlos: Evie don't be mean to Mal

Evie:seriously Carlos it's not like you say it all the time

Carlos:yah but I don't say it in front of her face poor baby come her *takes Mal from her dad*

Evie:wow just wow

Jay:wtf Evie don't say that in front of Mal's face soon enough she will be saying that to you

Evie:idc she can do what she wants

Yay I can have social media

Carlos:no Mal you can't do whatever you want until your 16

Ugh no fair

Carlos:I'm life isn't fair Missy

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Carlos:I'm life isn't fair Missy

Idc I deserve social media hehe

Carlos:well maybe a little but not yet you can't have social media just yet miss Mally poo

Not with that nickname again okey geys I got to go see ya soon Evie's mad at me cuz I have Jay and Carlos on my side hehe well bye geys

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