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[ A R D E N ]


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as arden began to run the water for a bath for sirius, sirius began talking about everything that was going on

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as arden began to run the water for a bath for sirius, sirius began talking about everything that was going on. "she got mad at me for standing up for myself! can you believe that?"

"sirius, i think you're both quite upset about whatever it is that she found out about you," arden said shortly, not wanting to say too much, but still trying to make him feel better. 

"arden did you know that your beloved friend ivory went through my file and read about me? she couldn't even ask me herself, she snooped so low as to go behind my back and dig things up about me!"

"well, sirius, you aren't exactly the most open person," she said, turning to face him. she took a seat on the ledge of the bathtub while sirius was propped up against the side of the toilet. 

"that is a lie, miss campbell SOUP and you know it!" he pouted. 

"hey now, no need for the name calling," she said, rolling her eyes playfully. 

"aww ardy i didn't mean it," he said sweetly, not understanding that she was joking. 

"sirius, i'm only joking. and please do not call me ardy. that just sounds horrific."

"ives i'm really tired and i don't feel good at all," he whined. 

"sirius, i'm not—"

"alright sirius time to get in the bath," remus cut it. 

"need some help?" arden offered. 

"believe me i have done this one too many times. i've got it. if you wait outside of the door, i'll be out in a second."

arden stepped out of the bathroom and sat on the nearest bed, waiting for remus to finish with sirius, which didn't take very long. 

"you really trust sirius to actually bathe while he's drunk? brave move."

"oh, i don't trust drunk sirius with anythi— sirius please stop blowing bubbles in the water and just wash yourself."

"if you give him the responsibility of doing that, we'll be here for hours. let me help."

"i can assure you that naked sirius is going to enjoy that a little too much."

"he's drunk he won't remember anything."

"merlin, you make it sound like you're a r— nevermind. go ahead."

arden walked into the bathroom and shook her head at the mess sirius had made. "alright, bud, let's get you cleaned up. sit up please."

sirius groaned, but did as he was told. she rubbed the loofah all over his body until the point were it got awkward. 

"um, sirius do you mind washing that part," arden laughed. 

when sirius was clean, arden drained the tub and handed sirius a towel to dry off with before walking out. 

"thank you for helping with him. i know that he's a handful, plus he has no filter and can be a complete arse," remus said. 

"he's not too bad. he's just hurting really bad and doesn't know how to express it. it happens."
"stupid cold. stupid. argh!" sirius was struggling to get his shirt on over his head, so arden walked over and unbuttoned it. "thank you, mum."

"go get in bed, sirius. you need it."

"okay mum," he giggled. "mum, mum, mum—"

"alright padfoot, i think she gets it. go to bed."

"what if i get the nightmares, remy?" sirius frowned. 

arden walked sirius over to his bed carefully and pulled the covers over him. he reluctantly laid down, and then arden began to play with his hair. he fell asleep almost instantly. 

"works every time," she told remus.

arden always enjoyed playing with hair. since a young age, she's always been very good at doing hair. 

"hey, do you think sirius would be upset if i braided his hair?" arden asked hesitantly. 

"no, i don't think he would mind. i think it would put a smile on his face in the morning," remus replied. 

and so the two talked a majority of the night, or at least until james got back. by the time that james had come back, though, they had all fallen asleep.


arden woke up to warm breath on the nape of her neck. instinctively, she shot up, hitting sirius in the process. 

"ow!" sirius bellowed. "oh merlin, oh merlin remus will kill me! arden, i'm sorry but you need to leave. you need to leave right now!"

"sirius, what the hell is going on?" remus said, half asleep, sitting up. 

"look mate, i'm sorry, i'm really sorry, i got drunk and i didn't know what i was doing, i'm sorry—"
"padfoot, calm down. what happened?"

"i... i— i had sex with arden..."

arden and remus look at each other and busted out laughing. 

"wha—whats so funny?"

the hysterical laughter continued, despite sirius's shouts of questions.

"oh h— he thought that i AHHAH," arden screeched, tears falling down her face from laughing so hard. 

"phew. good one sirius. while you were, in fact, drunk last night, we didn't, uh, you know. i simply layed in your bed for the night. i mean to get up, but i fell asleep. my apologies."

sirius looked pained and was covering his ears. 

"sirius? what is it? are you okay?" arden questioned. 

sirius removed his hands from his ears and sighed. 

"was that a laugh that just came out of your mouth? cause it sounded quite identical to a banshee. do that in my ear again and i will hex you. merlin, my EARS!" 

"ah, the drama queen is awake, i see," james said from the farthest bed, rubbing his eyes and reaching for his glasses. "bloody hell, moony did you really get laid last night?"

arden looked down at the floor. "i should probably go," she said. "i'll see you boys later, okay?"

"alright, see you," remus replied.

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